Okay Geek focuses on original content like product & game reviews, editorials, videos and important technology news, all influenced by geek culture and our interests.

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    Okay Geek is a blog that celebrates everything to do with geek culture, technology and musings found all over the web.

    Say Hello to Okay Geek

    Previously known as “T3ch H3lp”, Okay Geek is a re-thought technology blog which strives to bring geeky original content for people who have a passion for tech. We have built Okay Geek from the ground up using Squarespace and our own custom tools. We want Okay Geek to be a fast, well designed and easy to use website and we believe we have done that very well.

    Everyday, we spend time hand-crafting our articles which live up to the unwritten standards of the internet, but we also make sure creativity and ideas thinking are our main priorities. By all means, we’re not a team of “seasoned journalists”, we’re just a bunch of youngsters who believe that there is more than one way of looking at todays tech industry. We represent the current generation, and we believe our opinions in our content reflect that.



    Only the best for our Editors

    What makes Okay Geek so great? Well, it all started out as a bundle of frustration with finding a place to start out, and a home for our content. We thought about Wordpress (which is the most widely adopted blogging platform) but we wanted to stand out, and make a splash in the blogosphere - so there could only be one solution, Squarespace.

    We are using Squarespace because it is stable, powerful, and it allows us to express ourselves without the limits of “old-school” blogging software. We are trying to make the best content we know how to make every day.


    “Just found out that @okaygeek likes @techinch … thanks guys!”
    @Techinch - Tech Inch

    “One of the most fresh, well constructed, and aesthetically pleasing news sites I’ve seen in a very long time…”
    @DanPatterson - ABC News Radio

    “Crushing on new design details over at Okay Geek”
    @Squaregirl - Squarespace Inc.

    Team Okay Geek - We created all of this

    Brandon’s Twitter

    Brandon Davenport
    Founder | Site Architect and Designer

    Brandon is the Designer, Developer and Founder of Okay Geek. He’s got a lot of experience in the field of web design, graphic design, video editing, and leading a team.

    After starting Okay Geek in 2007, he decided it was time for Okay Geek to find a house of its own, and he found it at Squarespace and turned Okay Geek into what it is today.

    Ricardo’s Twitter

    Ricardo Trejo
    Executive Editor

    Blogger by day, Classic Gamer by night — Ricardo is Executive Editor here at Okay Geek. He’s on the pulse of the gaming industry, and social media. He is the lead blogger here at Okay Geek and continues to strive for Okay Geek’s chunk of the internet.

    In terms of productivity, Ricardo yells at us all the time and somehow we get things done. We don’t understand his methods sometimes, and we call them “excessive”. He calls them magical.

    Jason’s Twitter

    Jason Tsay
    Lead Gadget/Product Editor

    Jason Tsay keeps his finger on the pulse of the product world, from smartphones to headphones, his informative and to-the-point articles will satisfy any gadget lover. He makes sure to keep it simple, and all of his articles are favorites among the Okay Geek community.

    He is a relatively new editor, so we’ll update this page with more info about him soon!

    Daniel’s Twitter

    Daniel Carey
    Mobile Editor

    Daniel is an up-and-coming Expert in the mobile technology world. He pumps out news every day, exclusively related to mobile tech.

    He is currently hoping one day to attain a PhD in Anthropology, thus allowing him to work for the Jeffersonian Museum. Until then he writes about what he loves… Technology, for what he loves, Okay Geek.

    Alex’s Twitter

    Alex Tretrop
    Gaming Editor

    Alex is what you call a gaming encyclopedia. Ask him anything and he’ll have an answer. He can beat the Infinity Ward team at their own game and make a sandwich while doing so (he is that good).

    Oh yeah, he also writes for Okay Geek and we would be lost without him. He writes on a regular basis and is an exclusive gaming editor. Look out Major Nelson…

    Jamie’s Twitter

    Jamie Donnelly
    Gaming Editor

    Game reviews seem to be as easy as breathing for Jamie, and they always find there way to the front page. He’s had his thumb on the gaming industry for a while now, and we’re so lucky to have him as a vital part of our team. Expect more from Jamie in the months to come!

    Connor’s Twitter

    Connor Scalleat
    Contributing Editor

    Connor is very good at a lot of things, and you’ll discover that when you read his posts. Covering topics from gadgets, to social networks, software reviews and games he is a man of many skills.

    He has worked for a handful of tech startups and has a background building web services that are enjoyed by thousands. He also can play The Incident like a mother…

    Chris’s Twitter

    Christopher Self
    Contributing Editor

    One of the latest additions to the Okay geek team, Chris is a driving force when it comes to original content on the front page. We needed Chris to bring is creativity and passion for tech, and he did so, very professionally.

    He has an appetite for web design, and frequently works on projects and creations online. He has a lot to write about, so make sure to check his posts out!

    Darryl’s Twitter

    Darryl Cobb
    Contributing Editor

    We never know what Darryl is going to write about, but every time he publishes something, it turns out to be the most popular post of the day.

    He really understands what people want to read, and most importantly, why they want to read it. He is an admitted Android fan-boy, and most of his posts revolve around apps, gadgets and anything else that he feels you should know.

    Nick’s Twitter

    Nick Mahar
    Contributing Editor

    His writing style is simple, and to-the-point. He is our Apple Go-to guy and is a wizard when it comes to the Camera.

    Nick is a seasoned tech man who has contributed to many websites and production companies around the San Francisco Bay Area. He is also an actor/videography for Arcbound.com.

    Inside Okay Geek

    Okay Geek is a new breed of technology blogs. Here, we try to take all the news, and only put the best on our front page. We skip all the stuff that all the other blogs put up to “fill space” and we make sure that we only blog about stuff that is relevant to what you like, according to how you react to our articles.

    We designed Okay Geek to look and feel like a web 2.0 experience because most of the other blogs don’t work like that, even though they are about technology. We put countless hours (that turn into days) into making the site look amazing, feel snappy and push out new features almost monthly.


    Okay Geek was started by Brandon Davenport in 2007 and has been going strong with a growing audience of 500,000 + people. Originally, Okay Geek started as a series of videos or a “Vlog” which took video tutorials and reviews to a whole new level.

    As Okay Geek continued to grow, Brandon needed to find a home for all the content, which was varying from videos. He started to be interested in the news industry and reviewing products, so naturally he formed a blog, what Okay Geek is today.

    Okay Geek continues to become stronger with the positive reception received from the community, it has grown to become a trusted source for Tech news and information. the Okay Geek blog receives about 5 - 7 articles every day by our editors, who make sure that Okay Geek is priority number two. Life is priority one. 



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