Entries from February 6, 2011 - February 12, 2011

Verizon iPhone 4 Unboxing - Video
The Verizon iPhone is here and everyone is just a little excited. Brandon (not to be confused with T3ch H3lp’s Brandon) was kind enough to share his experiences un-boxing the Verizon iPhone 4. Nothing extremely exciting, but still interesting to watch.
Comply Foam Tips and Whoomp! Earbud Enhancers Review
For your average user, the silicone tips included with each headphone purchase are good enough. However, to many audiophiles, these are simply not acceptable for listening to music. Hearing Components is a company that manufactures foam tips for a ton of headphone brands, including Monster Cable, Ultimate Ears, Denon, and Skullcandy (just to name a few). We recently got a chance to test out their T-200 tips. — Read our full review after the break!
Microsoft and Nokia enter into a partnership, plan to make sweet, sweet WP7 handsets
For the past several weeks it has been strongly rumoured that conglomerates Nokia and Microsoft would enter into a partnership, by way of which, the faltering Finnish phone manufacturer would adopt Windows Phone 7. Now that Nokia’s Capital Market Day is well under way, I’m proud to say: Nokia’s beginning to get their house in order, they’ve finally adopted Windows Phone 7.
Guy gets stabbed over auto-correction mistake in text message
When it comes to mistakes in text messages, there’s that “oh sh*t!” moment when you realize that you’ve made a horrible mistake. Your phone auto-corrected a word to change (what was supposed to be) a timely message you you boss into an insult towards his privates. You usually manage to patch things up before everything hits the fan — but for one un-luckey chap in England, his auto-corrected text message killed him.

Video - Steve Jobs awaits his first TV appearance
Watching Steve Jobs be completely out of his element is so strange to me, especially after watching movies like Pirates of Silicon Valley where we see him as this smug, arrogant jerk who finds joy in bringing people misery.
Seeing him be so completely uncomfortable in this sutation brings me comfort knowing that he is human after all, well at least he was at one time.
The truth about Facebook's Developer API
You may have read that Facebook has grown to become the most popular websites in the entire world. But what you might have not known is that when you allow a game or application to view your profile information, they gain access to any information you make public. This in effect makes Facebook not only the most popular website in the world, but also the most dangerous! — More after the break!
t3ch Review - Grado SR225i Headphones
Headphones are a very sensitive subject to some of us here at t3ch h3lp, and I think that’s because finding the right pair of cans for your head is a very deep, and perhaps, spirtual journey we all individually take. Everyone has their own set of statutes and requirements that “the one” has got to have, whether it be noise canceling, comfort, build, or all of the above. Well, the SR225i’s don’t have all the fancy bells and whistles that most modern headphones usually come packaged with, but despite that I think I may have just run into “the pair” that complete my audio life. — Read our review after the break!
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