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Entries from February 7, 2010 - February 13, 2010


Mobile World Congress 2010 begins tomorrow 

With Engadget slowly beginning to geek out at Plaça d'Espanya, Fira de Barcelona (also known as the location of Mobile World Congress), we thought that it would be fitting to begin our coverage as well. With the influx of press events beginning tomorrow, we will be relaying the best of the best. Windows Mobile 7 is already expected to steal the show, but what do other companies have planned? Stay tuned to find out!


Video: PS3 Heavy Rain Demo Glitch

I know I'm late on this but I thought I'd post it for all those who haven't experienced it yet. In the crime scene portion of the Heavy Rain demo, if you walk near your car on the left side of the screen you may run into a slightly annoying glitch - watch the video for an example.

So be forewarned when you decide to give the game a go because it just make you poop your pants if you're not ready for it. 


Joikuspot turns any run of the mill Nokia N900 into a mobile hotspot

Portable WiFi hotspots are clearly a growing mega-trend, the popularity of devices such as the MiFi and the Overdrive are testament to this. If you own a Nokia N900 and decided not to opt for a mobile hotspot, Joikuspot sets out to change that. Recently released for Maemo, Joikuspot allows any run of the mill N900 to be used as a mobile hotspot -- similar to the recently announced SIMFi. Matthew Miller of NokiaExperts recently tested the application. Over a T-Mobile 3G connection he was seeing data speeds of:

  • 1810+ kbps down
  • 0 kbps up

Sure the speeds aren't great, but it seems like a viable alternative, especially if you already own an N900.


FlOw on PS3 FREE Today Only

Today only - February 13th - the critically acclaimed and universally loved indie game, FlOw is up on the PSN for the amazingly low price of FREE. Yup, you read it right: Free-zies! Grab your copy before they run out... err - well, while there's still time.

Oh yeah, this deal is only good in the NA PSN Store. Sorry World!

flOw -- Que it up


Fable III Announced - Not an RPG



Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... Peter Molyneux (spokesman of Lionhead studios) this is NOT my Fable! 


Peter has been hinting and luring like a pro since August of 2009 when the first of Fable III's bits and pieces were laid down like tasty morsels, but now we have learned what is really going to change Lionhead's golden franchise from the bottom, up. According to the riled but persuasive people of IGN, the game's persona that we've come to know hasn't changed, but a slew of other aspects aside from tossing the RPG facet have evolved with the times, literally. Fable III takes place about sixty years into the future, warranting Bowerstown to look like a pirate steampunk era thanks to good ol' Industrial Revolution.


Details after the break!



Movie Review: The Hurt Locker

When you hear the title The Hurt Locker, do you think of a gritty dark horror film, or do you think of soldiers in Iraq? Not only is The Hurt Locker an amazing war story, it has 9 Academy Award Nominations, the same as Avatar. This movie is probably one of my favorites of the year and it's great because it uses very little music, which is generally necessary in making a great film. The movie follows a bad ass Sergeant named Sergeant First Class William James who disarms bombs, you already know the movie is going to be a bang. 

Review after the break!


Sneak Peak Of Final Fantasy For The iPhone/iPod Touch

This has to be one of the most exciting games coming out for the iPhone/iPod Touch platforms. The game system will be the same like many other games on the platform where you use your left thumb to move and right to perform an action. I never usually pay more than a few dollars for a iPhone/iPod Touch game but this is just like it would be on a Game boy or DS - or at least I hope so. Let's pray that they come out with a demo version out first so I can test it before I pay for a full version which will most likely be $10 or so. 
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