Entries from October 10, 2010 - October 16, 2010

Weird "Infinite @ reply's" bug in Twitter for iPad - Video
I was just sitting around this morning and I was checking my Twitter feed when I came across this. It is a bug wherein after clicking an @reply, you can build an endless Twitter pane (and slow your iPad to a crawl in the process). It’s a really weird bug, but no harm done (and it could be a neat joke to pull on someone).
Anyhoo, what you need to do is find an @reply to you with no links and it has to be a reply to one of your own tweets (like a thread), otherwise this won’t work. Tell us how far you get before your iPad gives up!

Watch - iPad Illusions that screw with your Eyes
The iPad is one of the last places you would think to find optical illusions, but yet add a stripe lined transparent sheet and run it along corresponding striped shapes and you got yourself some pretty inventive animations.
Max's Apps: Beautiful Widgets for Android
Bored with the stock widgets the manufacturer gives you to play with and need something a bit different. You need something a bit more unique. Maybe aHome or LauncherPro Plus is missing that one something that you can’t put your finger on. Something a bit more beautiful? Well, you are in luck. In this edition of Max’s Apps, I’m bringing your attention to Beautiful Widgets!
US and Canada have the most expensive cellphone plans in the world
“Oh! This is why my texting bill is so high!”
According to a new report from the New America Foundation’s Open Technology Initiative (OTI), smartphone and cellphone users in Canada and the US tend to pay much more for a cell phone package than anyone else in the world. It doesn’t come as that much of a shock, but hearing this over and over again really makes me wonder if we really are “world leaders” in technology when we can’t even manage to afford half of it. Here is a great quote from Ars Technica’s Arsicle:
T3ch H3lp T-Shirts are here! - Testing in progress
Excitement is in the air over here at T3ch H3lp — we just got some wicked T-Shirt mockups printed and they arrived around lunchtime today! We are going to be giving some to friends in the area to see how the fit, wash and look in public. Then we will discuss any issues, make changes and then get them ready for everyone to buy!
A bunch of UFO sightings are popping up on Youtube
Updated on Oct 15, 2010 by
Brandon Davenport
A UFO image snapped over Chelsea, New York
Either someone is uploading their old UFO tapes to Youtube all at once, or there is a crazy co-incidence happening. It seems that in-fact there actually is something fishy going on, and we’re going to lay it out for you right now.
Former Apple CEO John Sculley talks about Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs is one of the most interesting and influential people in the world. He has built a company who’s core values contradict everything that the “rule book” demands, and he has always sacrificed cost, popularity and market share, for user experience. Some say he is an over-controlling overloard, and others say he is the best thing that has ever happened to consumer technology industry — but one thing is for sure, Steve Jobs is one of the most interesting people in the world.
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