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Entries from May 30, 2010 - June 5, 2010


Red Faction: Armageddon Announced, Trailer features Aliens

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Red Faction: Armageddon Announced, Trailer features Aliens

Red Faction: Guerrilla was a great game. It had an awesome amount of destruction and you could literally take down a house piece by piece. It seems this awesomeness will be continuing in Red Faction: Armageddon, which was just revealed on GTTV last night, except this time we aren’t alone in the universe.

Red Faction: Armageddon will be releasing in March 2011. That’s a long time to wait, but expect more news during E3 - Read more


Computex 2010 wrap-up

Every year without fail the biggest names in computing flock to Taipei for Computex. This year (as has been with previous years) we were treated to some of the hottest upcoming gadgets of 2010 / 2011. It was our utter privilege to bring you the latest in consumer news (as well as non-consumer news), but in the spirit of all great events, it’s finally come to an end. If you’re already going through Computex withdrawal, don’t worry, because we’ll back next year with the latest in gadgetry from the industry we’ve come to know and love (and we’re sure that plenty more exciting news’ll happen before then). However, if by some off chance you’ve been living under a rock for the last five days, we’ve taken all of our Computex posts and linked to them after the break. And as that iconic pig once said “that’s all folks.”


Natal Gameplay Video - What the hell was Microsoft thinking?

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Natal Gameplay Video - What the hell was Microsoft thinking?

Its understandable that you need to move around to play Natal, but does your body have to move that much?

I mean don’t get me wrong, Natal looks “fun”, but I’m sorry, I don’t want to stand in my living room, flailing my appendages all around like some sort of wild turkey trying to take flight.

Also, that woman seems to be having much more “fun” than the kids - Read more


RealestateIt Steals Squarespace Website Design

Updated on Jun 5, 2010 by Registered CommenterBrandon Davenport

Notice anything similar? Yeah, everything about the AgentBase and BusinessBase websites - have been copied from Squarespace by Realestateit, a website design company. @squaregirl on Twitter mentioned the “design thieves” yesterday, and I just had to take a look myself. It appears that the people running BusinessBase and AgentBase have been ripped off by their website design guys at Realestateit. This is not OK!

Screenshots after the break!


DoubleTwist Android app is Available Now for Free!

I have to admit, seeing this app makes me jealous of the Android phones - I’ve been using iPhone’s and iPad’s all this time, and all the mainstream Apple apps are simply beautiful. On the flip side, I have come to realize that all the Android apps look hideous, even the Twitter app for android looks gross. DoubleTwist on the other hand has given me a smack in the face, and made me realize that good design is possible on the Android Platform.

Download After the break!


You can't tether the iPhone to an iPad

After the uproar of AT&T getting rid of the no-contract iPad 3G plans - consumers have now gotten another smack to the face. You will need to get a crappy new 3G plan for your iPad because you cannot tether the iPhone to the iPad. So, for those of you thinking you could skip the whole 3G iPad thing and just use your iPhone’s data plan to surf the web on your iPad, you’re out of luck.

As for the new iPad plans, if you buy an iPad 3G and get a data plan before June 7th, you will still get the $30/mo unlimited data plan, but you have to do it before June 7th (Monday). As for the tethering issue, this is a huge setback for lots of customers, and we have once again been ripped off by the AT&T/Apple super team (well, mostly AT&T).

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