Okay Geek focuses on original content like product & game reviews, editorials, videos and important technology news, all influenced by geek culture and our interests.

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about 12 years ago
SGP has no shortage of cases for iPhone or iPad, and their Linear Mini series, while being their budget line, is far from being comparable to a generic means of protection ...
about 13 years ago
This week we talk some pretty important stuff like Anime Expo 2011, Captain America (is it good, bad, ugly?), MacBook Battery hacking, 3DS price cuts (now just $169), Battlefield 3 Alpha ...
about 13 years ago
This week, we have a special show because we’re giving away a copy of the new Annihilation DLC for Call of Duty Black Ops (Steam, PC). We’ve done Giveaways before, but ...
about 13 years ago
On this week’s show, Connor and Brandon talk Facebook Video chat, cereal and milk, Bioshock Infinite, Quadrotors, the new Youtube, Spotify coming to the US, Connor gets his iPhone hacked and ...
about 13 years ago
Special thanks — to Connor for filling in this episode!!! On this installment of the Okay Geek Show, Ricardo is away at the 2011 Anime Expo spreading the joy of Okay Geek with ...
about 13 years ago
  We have been underground bashing our keyboards and inhaling coffee for the past two weeks covering E3 2011 which has been a blast, but a lot of hard work. ...
about 13 years ago
  This week on the show, Ricardo and Brandon sit down and talk about the widest veryity of topics ever discussed before… we start with Basketball and end up talking ...
about 13 years ago
  This is our first video podcast, and we’re so proud we managed to do it live on Friday, all in one take. This episode, Ricardo and Brandon start the ...
about 13 years ago
  This week, we are talking about a veryity of topics that are strange, just as they are awesome. We’re talkin’ Bear Grylls, Piss, Thor, vocaloid raves, and a bunch ...
about 13 years ago
  You remember the our old podcast right? Well that was somewhat of a test. A test to see if our readers would enjoy hearing us and listening to what ...
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Entries from March 27, 2011 - April 2, 2011


Complete iPhone 5 rumor roundup - Infographic

We all know what’s coming and we know it’s going to be big, but how exactly will we know what the new iPhone 5 will look like, and how it will work? Rumors suggest it’ll have a bigger screen, a faster processor, a new look and support for 4G and LTE. The hardest part is knowing what rumors are out there, and how credible they are — NowhereElse breaks it down for you.


Breaking down the AT&T and T-Mobile Merge - Infographic

Ever since AT&T bought up T-Mobile, people have been up in arms over the dwindling competition in the mobile space. The future of our mobile world will now be mostly decided by 3 companies, and that’s really not a good thing. When you look at the stats, AT&T will now have 129 Million subscribers and completely dominate the mobile space and Sprint will struggle to keep up. Everything gets torn apart after the break!


Google's April Fools - Gmail Motion

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Google's April Fools - Gmail Motion

Gmail has been the same for quite a while, and Google has decided to innovate on the way we use and experience email with something called “Gmail Motion”. It requires you to stand up and perform a bunch of body gestures to perform tasks, much like the Kinect. You can even type using your body and after watching the video the possibilities seem endless…


iDroplets are tiny rubber feet for your iPad

With the introduction of the new iPad 2, Apple released something called “Smart Covers” which protect the screen of your iPad 2 and automatically wake it up when the cover is lifted. Shortly after the iPad 2 went on sale though, complaints started to surface that the back of the iPad 2 was getting all scratched up and since the Smart Cover doesn’t protect the back of the iPad 2, everone was out of luck… until now.


How to Pee in Public the right way

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How to Pee in Public the right way

There will come times when you just can’t hold it. Hey, it happens. So why not be prepared and know just what to do when such an event arises! Oh, and be sure not to be pee shy cause that just might throw off this entire tutorial. 


ELAGO (14-in-1) USB Card Reader Review

Nowadays, computers are usually chock full of ports, ranging from Thunderbolt ports to the most ubiquitous USB ports. However, many are still deprived of stranger standards, such as Sony’s Memory Stick Pro Duo. The Elago 14-in-1 USB Card Reader is here to solve that problem, in a nice looking package too. — Our review after the break!


Okay Geek Switches to Comic Sans

For years, we have used Arial as our main font but after time passed we realized we needed to spice things up. Today, we are announcing our switch to Comic Sans. It’s beautiful, elegent and it is a pleasure to read but yet provides a robust compliment to our design. We love it, and we think you will too!

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