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Entries from August 29, 2010 - September 4, 2010


Creepy Anti-Google ads are playing in Times Square

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Creepy Anti-Google ads are playing in Times Square

California-based consumer group Consumer Watchdog has purchased space on a Times Square jumbotron to play a very creepy, and borderline disturbing video of Eric Schmidt selling free ice cream to kids, but in the background, taking a “full body scan”. I really feel this is a bit over the top, and will for sure be taken out of context by non-tech savvy average people. How do you feel about this ad?

Also, remember — you don’t need to come and confess, they lookin’ fow you, they gonna find you! So you need to hide ur kids hide ur wife (an hide ur husband cuz they rapin’ erbody out here).


t3ch Review - Logitech Illuminated Keyboard

I’m sure theres at least one incident where you just wished the keys on your keyboard could light up (that is, if they don’t already). The Logitech Illuminated Keyboard does just that, and packs it into a sleek and attractive form factor. Today we shall investigate whether or not this input device is worth its admission price and more importantly: is backlighting a gimmick?


PC Review - Burn, Zombie, Burn!

In a market that is already teaming with numerous zombie titles, Doublesix boldly steps in with their newest title Burn, Zombie, Burn! At first glance the game looks like your typical zombie shooter but is kept entertaining by interesting use of fire mechanics along with being surprisingly strategic. It’s a ton of fun to play in short bursts but a lackluster control scheme as well as some fairly redundant extra modes makes this a tough sell for PC users.


Double Rainbow guy stars in Microsoft Commercial - We Dig it

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Double Rainbow guy stars in Microsoft Commercial - We Dig it

Ok, first off, everyone knows Mashable has a hardon for Apple, and if this was an Apple Ad, a lot more people would like it. I really don’t appreciate Mashable slamming the rainbow man, and showing him in a bad light (for god sakes, he saw a double-rainbow!)

Here is reality - a guy made a popular video by accident, and even though he was a celebrity in one day, he didn’t make a “promise” to us to “keep the meme alive”, nor did he plan to make money. I don’t really get Mashable’s angle with the whole “this guy killed the meme”, because he deserves starring in this TV ad… all the way!

Heck, being on TV has probably been a dream of his since he was a kid, and now he’s making some good money, and exposing himself even further to his fans. Microsoft on the other hand has taken advantage of the situation appropriately, and created an amazing ad. Rainbow man is not a sell-out, nor did he kill a meme. He is a legend. Your argument is invalid.


Important tips in case you missed Blogging School

A fellow blogger, Ree Ree Phillips of ReeReeInTheCity.com, inspired this particular blog because of her constant nagging. However, it is a topic that goes grossly ignored by those who blog, those in technology and geeks in general.

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