Entries from February 20, 2011 - February 26, 2011

Discovery's Space Shuttle launch seen from an airplane - Video
Space shuttle launches are super cool regardless, but once their up a mile or two, they’re gone and out of sight. Luckely this fellow traveler was on his way back from Orlando, FL when he saw Discovery’s Space Shuttle taking off. It’s really amazing to see a shuttle not just take off, but see how fast it really goes — all we know is it would suck to be sitting on the left side of that plane.
5 Best Firefox 4 beta Themes you missed
Firefox looks great out of the box, but it lacks that personal touch that it’s famous for. With Firefox 4 in beta we’re almost at the day for it’s release, so it’s time to get a head start customizing your stuff before your friends beat you to it — you’ll have you’re Firefox all pimped out when they haven’t even clicked the “update” button yet — Come see our top 5 hand picked themes you missed out on!

Mac OS X Lion Official Guided Tour
Apple has created the first video for the new OS X Lion which is somewhat of a guided tour, demonstraiting the most important features comming soon. We have Launchpad, Mission Control, Full Screen apps, as well as a few un-suspected goodies. We’re excited for this new release of Mac OS X, how ‘bout you?
Is RIM really going to supplement BlackBerry apps for Android?
A recent article on BGR suggests that Research in Motion will be looking to supplement its BlackBerry application store with Android based apps. As crazy as it sounds, this isn’t the first time sources close to the smartphone manufacturer have leaked information to the aforesaid popular blog. No, in fact, late last month BGR received a tip claiming that Android applications would make their way to RIM’s upcoming Playbook tablet. — More after the break!
Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds - PS3 Review
The health warning when Marvel vs Capcom 3 first loads up states “This game contains sequences with rapidly flashing images”. This is an understatement to the highest degree. The game doesn’t contain flashing images, the game is flashing images. There is no respite to the onslaught of colour and light, every special attack is accompanied by an equally special array of graphical effects and comic book magic that will leave you slightly dazed and wondering if your perception has been opened to a whole new dimension of amazement and fun. — Read our full review after the break!

NEStalgia - 8-bit MMORPG for fans of the retro age
Believe it or not there was a time in which RPG’s weren’t all about belts and zippers or metro-sexual dudes handling over-compensating weaponry. Well the guys at Silk Games are looking to revive that 8-bit era with a title called NEStalgia, hosting all the modern day MMORPG features; like parties, quests, and item trading.
Not only that but it’s free on PC! Download it now and tell us how you like the retro fitting.
The update blame game strikes Windows Phone 7
Microsoft began to roll its first Windows Phone update two days ago, however, what was originally thought to be a trouble-free update has since turned into a major catastrophe for select Samsung Omnia 7 handsets. Owners of affected devices are reporting that after updating to Windows Phone’s latest build, their smartphones were no longer operable — aka total bricking. As a result Microsoft has since pulled the update. But for those few devices, the damage has since been done. Ultimately this prompts the question: Who’s to blame?
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