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Entries from October 4, 2009 - October 10, 2009


15 Best Firefox 3.5 Add-Ons ever

Probably one of the most touted features of Firefox is its rich collection of add-ons designed to enhance the browsing experience. So here's a list of add-ons that I use and enjoy... and hopefully you readers will too.

By the way these are for version 3.5.3 and up. They may or may not work with older versions.

See them after the break!


Full Toy Story 3 Trailer - Every kid wants to see this!

Updated on Oct 10, 2009 by Registered CommenterBrandon Davenport

Updated on Oct 10, 2009 by Registered CommenterBrandon Davenport


Back when I was a kid (9 years ago) my favorite movie was Toy Story, because it was just fun, and it was the first CGI animated movie that looked like it was real -- to a kid at least. The dolls (Action Figures!) were the best part, the real deal, and the toys at McDonalds and the rides at Disney land.

But it all faded away, slowly. Newer movies were popping up, like the Incredibles, Finding Nemo, Wall-e, and UP. But Toy Story was long gone, and that made me a bit sad. But now it is back, and its back with style!

Release date after the break!


T-Mobile - We probably lost all the data on your Sidekick



Well, this is just great. This is shaping up to be one of the biggest disasters in the history of cloud computing, and certainly the largest blow to Danger and the Sidekick platform. T-Mobile's now reporting that personal data stored on Sidekicks has "almost certainly been lost as a result of a server failure at Microsoft/Danger."

The only thing we can do is not let our devices power down because anything that's still on there will be lost the next time the device is turned on -- but don't expect a miracle. This is a big ugly mess and is setting up for a bad reputation for cloud computing.

[via Engadget]


iPhone 3GS gets dropped in pool while recording - Still works!


Windows has 7500+ Apps, Why Doesn't Anyone Care?

I'll be frank, I'm not the biggest fan of Apple, and it's usually about how they treat their customers. From Apple giving early iMac adopters the cold shoulder to upgrade to Leopard in 2007 to the latest attempt on silencing those with exploding batteries. Apple seems to try to want to keep its pristine image, which I suppose is a good thing for any company to do. Microsoft's trying to bring themselves back up from Vista's bad PR, which was merely a victim of [...]


Windows 7 sold early at college, its legitimate and its not in a box?

Updated on Oct 10, 2009 by Registered CommenterRed Panda

Somehow, order was maintained at a College bookstore when the rules were broken. According to a tipster at Engadget, a full blown, Legit version of Windows 7 was sold at an eager College -- while it didn't come in an actual retail box, this does indeed appear to be a legitimate education copy of the OS and, according to our tipster, it has been successfully activated.

Looking through the history of big OS releases, this won't be the last copy that drops before the big October 22nd date -- Heck, there is already a copy up on the interwebz!

[via Engadget]


Explained - Apples App store approval process revealed!

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