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Entries from May 9, 2010 - May 15, 2010


Skype group video calling coming to Mac 'later this year'

Peter Parkes announced on Thursday that group video calling would be coming “later this year” - and since I have already tested, strained and enjoyed the 5 way video calling in Windows 7 I can only hope that it will be this fluent in Mac OS X. 5 way video calling was available as of Thursday to PC users in the Skype 5.0 beta, but Apple fans need to hold tight while the guys over at Skype work on the next beta release for Mac OS X, which will bring group video calls.

Download - Beta 5 for Windows


Gink - The Next Facebook Killer

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Gink - The Next Facebook Killer

I know, I am tired of Facebook too - with all its privacy issues n’ crap like that.

Meet Gink, the latest in Social Networking Tech. You can do stuff like connect with friends, watch videos, and collect “Goints”, which you can use to buy “Quimbles”. They mention there are 7 default Quimbles, but you can customize them.

If you believe anything you just read - I just lol’d


New Square Commercial - Also, is that really a Taco?

@lonelysandwich, is that really a taco you are holding? - oh yeah, also there is a wicked awesome new promo video for Square, the new fangled way to send/receive payments via credit card swiping on your iPhone/iPad. The video features Adam Lisagor, the always funny co-host from YLNT and video editing fiend. We added the new video after the break, and also make sure to check out Squareup.com


Samsung Moment gets official Android 2.1 update, Sprint says HTC Hero is "next"

Samsung Moment gets official Android 2.1 update, Sprint says HTC Hero is "next"

It’s a great time to be a Samsung Moment owner on Sprint. By now you’re probably basking in all that Éclair goodness, but if not don’t worry as the update’s being pushed as we speak. More notably though, a tweet direct from Sprint’s mouth claims that HTC Hero owners will be “up next” to see a similar update.

If you can’t contain your excitement any longer the Samsung Moment update can be had directly through Sprint’s website.



The Google Phone is dead: Google decides to stop selling handsets online

As the revolt continued many hid in their homes, however this was not the case of Google’s Nexus One. Instead, he chose to stand and fight for better customer service and the rights of all smartphones. Alas his great battle was in vein as he was captured by the Telco’s and carted away for immediate execution.

Announced early this morning Google stated that they’d no longer be selling handsets through their online store. Instead they’ve chosen to partner with carriers to sell the N1 in-store while using its website to promote “Android phones globally.” In their official blog post Google agrees that ultimately customers prefer a “hands-on experience before buying a phone, and they also want a wide range of service plans to choose from.” They go onto say that significant innovation went into creating the Nexus One, but as newer devices found their way to market (EVO 4G and the Droid Incredible) parts of the Nexus One were continually being engulfed. The Google Phone’s no more folks; viva la Google Phone.


Android 2.2 'Froyo' to support USB tethering and WiFi hotspot integration

Ahh frozen yogurt is there anything you can’t do? - In the wee hours of yesterday morning, Michael Arrington and his band of TechCrunch musketeers used all of their cunning and physical prowess to reveal that Android 2.2 (FroYo) will come with built-in tethering and WiFi hotspot support. Put into laymen’s terms you’ll be able to use your phone’s 3G connection to hook up a laptop or any other authenticated device to the world wide interwebs. Of course, it’s ultimately your carrier’s decision as to whether you’ll be able to use these two wondrous features, but hopefully they’ll realise that the ends justify the means… right?


Adobe Flash is about as open as Microsoft Office

Adobe Flash is about as open as Microsoft Office

John Gruber has been busy makin’ his latest article over at Daring Fireball and my oh my, it’s a duesy!

Basically, it’s going into some good detail on why Adobe’s Flash is not as open as some might like. He brings up things like ownership and management - sure HTML5 is catered to by WHATWG and the W3C, but Flash is entirely dictated by Adobe, so it’s sorta like Adobe is “Apple” and HTML5 is Linux… *er* something

Read - Now!

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