Entries from May 15, 2011 - May 21, 2011

Getting a promotion, Mega Man Style (video)
I have to admit, I don’t know much about Mega Man, but what I do know is that this video by DarqV is awesome! The creator says it’s “[his] loveletter to Mega Man and Monty Python” and we couldn’t agree more…

Harassing people in the streets of LA: Noire to the tune of Benny Hill
Mind you, this is being accomplished by using detective Phelps newly aquired super human strength to fling people into on-coming traffic with a swift flick of his wrist. Set to the fitting tune of Benny Hill, it’s basically just a solid 3 minutes of people’s hats flying off like corks at a wedding, women faceplanting into the sidwalk and the odd park bench exploding out of fear as detective Phelps approaches. No need for guns to have fun in LA: Noire!
Schwarzenegger's Governator cartoon "terminated" after sex scandal
There were some early reports that Stan Lee’s produced animated series based off the adventures of the fictional Governator, a.k.a. Arnold Schwarzenegger, was still on track despite all the mess that the former govenor has recently gotten himself into. Now it seems that the show has been all but canceled, seeing as the sex scandal broke up the family which was pivotal to show’s plot. — More after the break!
Google Chrome 13 is experimenting with hidden URL bar - How to enable it
When you really think about how the internet works, one thing comes to mind, URLs, and without URLs it would be extreemely hard to navigate the web. The URL toolbar has been the frontman of every browser since the dawn of the modern web, and to build a browser without the URL bar seems to be a crazy endevour, but Google is known for doing these types of things, and so they are attempting to rid Chrome of the URL bar.

10 year old Apple stores still seem more advanced than anything we have now
I was looking at the page for trending Youtube videos this afternoon and I saw this old clip of Steve Jobs giving a tour of the very first Apple store. I had watched the video a few times before, but reluctantly I proceeded to watch it once more, just to see Steve Jobs go completely nuts over the iMacs. Then I saw this comment — “Ya gotta admit — 1000% customer service. A hotline straight to Cupertino? Who else does that? Who?” — and I thought to myself, yeah who else does this stuff?
PC - Darkspore Review
I have a conundrum; I have absolutely no idea how to talk about Darkspore in relation to Spore. Labelling Darkspore as a sequel to Will Wright’s Spore does not feel apt, but spin-off doesn’t sit right either. Spiritual Successor perhaps? No. The best way to describe Darkspore is to consider how an idea forms. Darkspore and Spore essentially come from the same spark of innovation, but the final outcomes play as if that initial idea had been developed in a parallel universe. Brief reminders exist; the creature creation and the aesthetics of the creatures for example, but it is an entirely different gaming experience. Can going to the dark-side ever result in success? — Find out in our review after the break!
These custom made Portal 2 personality cores are not for sale... what a shame
I’m assuming flickr user ammnra is a Black Mesa scientist, considering he’s decided to tease Aperature Science loving fans with these custom made personality cores from Portal 2. He’s also said he’s not going to make more or sell them, which again leads me to believe he’s a physicist or something with tons of cash already in his pockets, since he’d be crazy to pass an opportunity like this. — More Portal 2 goodness after the break!
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