Okay Geek focuses on original content like product & game reviews, editorials, videos and important technology news, all influenced by geek culture and our interests.

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    Questions & Answers

    We often get asked questions about Okay Geek and our writers regarding content, ethics or the site itself. A large number of these questions are asked multiple times, so we’ve decided to make a small list of up-front answers to help you better understand how we tick. If we don’t have an answer listed here, feel free to contact us.


    This is a dandy site you’ve got here, how did you make it?

    Months (maybe years) of pushing ourselves to raise our standards and re-think what we expect a blog to be. There is no silver bullet when it comes to making something great on the internet, but if you’re looking for advice, here’s something to think about: Don’t build things for other people or try to understand what they want. Build things for yourself, to solve problems you encounter and do everything for a reason that matters to you. You’ll soon find you’re quite a broad, interesting human being and that many people share the exact same taste, problems and ideas as you do. If you have a specific question about how we created a certain element of Okay Geek, feel free to @reply us on Twitter!


    How do you manage content and what you write about?

    We enjoy writing about things we’re interested in and have a genuine passion for, and we believe this reflects in our articles. We have strict rules similar to much larger publications, and we always put honesty first, but when it boils down to it, we write about things we like. Simple as that. We don’t grind out articles every half hour, and we don’t have a staff of 35 people. We’re a small team writing about cool stuff, properly and honestly.


    Can you write about my product?

    If it’s a great product we feel people should know about, of course we will check it out, but most likely we will not. We will also not be accepting your generous money offer or other incentive. We aren’t journalists for hire, we are people who write about cool stuff, and if it isn’t awesome, it doesn’t belong on Okay Geek.


    How deeply are you involved with the advertisements?

    We have worked hard to create a barrier between our ads and our content. A vital element of that is a good relationship with our advertising agency, but even more importantly is the fact that we have absolutely no say as to which advertisements are shown. We don’t take free lunches, perks or incentives. Don’t be surprised if there is an advertisement for a product and to the left is a review written by us that shows it’s a piece of crap.


    Your site looks great! Can I use design ideas from it?

    We would be honored to influence your next design endeavor, but remember these key words of wisdom. If you’re looking to straight up copy our design and even take elements of our site to use as your own, you’ve reached the bottom. While we love to inspire people to create things and give them ideas to work with, we have to protect what we have created. We have no tolerance for anyone found copying our core elements (this has happened many times) or any assets of our (much larger) partner, Squarespace Inc.