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Entries from March 7, 2010 - March 13, 2010


Avatar To Return To Theaters In The Fall?

If you were one of those few who didn't get to experience Avatar in IMAX, you in luck. Director James Cameron is teasing at re-releasing the film with 20 minutes of extra footage! Talking to USA Today, 

Cameron said,

The wildcard is that we might be re-releasing the movie this fall. It's kind of gotten stomped out (in theaters) because of Alice in Wonderland. The word we're getting back from exhibitors is we probably left a couple of hundred million dollars on the table as a result. The question is the appetite still going to be there after the summer glut of movies. We're going to assess that. We're talking about maybe adding in additional footage and doing something creative.

Will There Be A Re-Release?


iPad is on Fire! - Apple has sold 120,000 iPads and counting

Maybe this iPad thingy is actually a viable new product, capable of getting people excited - and it seems that way of course because so far, Apple has managed to take in 120,000 iPad pre-order requests from costumers who obviously are not crazy after all!

Ever since word got out from hundreds of tech blogs, news sources and Twitterers about the pre-order event that started March 12th, social buzz took over and soon excitement was in the air, and Apple was rubbing their hands together, ready to watch the profit numbers sky-rocket.

We all know a lot of people didn't pre-order an iPad, but we want to know why? Tell us in the comments!


PC Review: Battlefield Bad Company 2

The original Bad Company was fun and memorable, mostly due to the antics of the squad you played. Add in a fairly good destruction engine and you had a solid experience that you could enjoy from start to finish, with an additional fun multiplayer that brought on more to the experience. So because of this I was more than pumped for Battlefield Bad Company 2, and now that it's out I'll explain why I think it's a must own.

Full review after the break!


NEW - 5 Second Intro for T3ch H3lp videos

Ricardo and I were thinking - why do people watch our videos? To watch the video, not the intro! So we came up with a solution, and it's pretty awesome! Coming up with it was a task unto itself, however; We had to to make an "Intro" that was as short as possible, but still be able to take those couple seconds we have to work with and fit in as much awesome as we possibly could. I think the end result turned out pretty good!

Info about the intro

Was made by Brandon Davenport with Inspiration coming from the new little Engadget intro on their videos. It was made using Sony Vegas and Corel Draw X4 in under 1 hour.

You will be able to see it in all of our new videos!


How to fix your Magic mouse to be ergonomic

We all love Apple's new Magic mouse but it seems that it is as flat as a pancake! There is nothing ergonomic about it at all, but this little hack involves a pasty silicone grip that sits on your Magic Mouse via suction and ta-da, your mouse is comfortable again! - How to here


Video - What if Twitter came to life?

Heads up, there are some slightly NSFW moments in the video - but that just re-enforces the fact that it could be the best representation of Twitter coming to life possible. It portrays a number of Twitter users acting out others' tweets. Simple as that. The creators @poeks & @sween made this by getting some Twitter friends to re-create some of the funniest Tweets ever, but it gets really creative with the addition of a random dance sequence, guitar solo, and infamous "YEEEAAAHHHHH!!" moment. So hold on tight and re-live some of the funniest moments from Twitter in real life!


A look at Smartphone sales in the United States

In a world that’s dominated by stock shares and user sales it stands to reason that the American mobile market has some form of documentation displaying what actually occurs at the cash register. Made available via comScore, the following statistics are for the sales month of January. We highly suggest that you read on past the break to see which smartphone companies are doing well and which are not. -- The results may surprise you.

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