Klonoa, a Wii-make of an old Playstation favorite. Updated graphics, voice work, and cut scenes it's a nice adaptation of the original, but does it still hold that same charm?
Klonoa is a kid's game at heart. It doesn't take a whole lot of skill to whip this game outta the park if you're a veteran of sidescrollers - only took me 3 - 4 hours. I'm going to say straight out that I never played the original... or maybe I did and I just don't remember it clearly enough. But back on topic, the game is quite simple. There's not much they could screw up with this game since it doesn't include any waggle gimmicks. It's back to classic side scrolling goodness, so it uses the horizontal Wii-mote control scheme. You run, jump, and can hover around for about a second. Klonoa's only power rests within the ring he holds. It allows him to grab enemies, and you use those same enemies to throw them against obstacles, like boxes or other, tougher, enemies. You don't gain any other skills through out the game, so you're pretty much given the full deck right off the bat. With that being said, you get more than enough time to get used to maneuvering Klonoa in the air, while using an enemy to bounce him up to an even higher state for reaching hard to reach crystals.

The level design is pretty sweet, and I love how the camera is fluid when you're running around twists and turns in each stage. There are 14 unique levels in the game, which seems pretty low to me, especially in a world where we're used to playing 8 - 10 hour long campaigns. But once again let me remind you, this is a game meant for kids. The stages themselves take on different themes as you travel through out Klonoa's dream world... or so I think it's his dream world. To be honest, I didn't pay much attention to the story because I wanted to run right through the game, but I'll just fill you in with what i know: There's this bad dude named Ghadius who wants to cover the world in nightmares to gain revenge on people who accept dreams and reject nightmares. I think he controls people or something along the way, and most of those people become your allies later on in the game. The story is pretty shallow, but once again, it's enough for kids about 4 - 8 years old.

I know this a short review, but this is a short game. There's not much really to say about it besides that it excels in everything it was meant to do. It's a classic sidescroller with enemies whom aren't too tough, but can be annoying at certain points. The final stages can be a bit challenging, mostly because they require a bit of puzzle solving, and by that time it seems like they were just added in there to annoy you. The last bits of the end can be frustrating because they demand precision, quick thinking and jumping to make your way to the finale. If you're not that good with sidescrollers then I suggest racking up as many crystals as you can to build up an army of extra lives as back up.
I recommend this title for a rent because it's really not worth a buy, unless you have children who are looking to get themselves into gaming. A brand new $30 - $50 price tag doesn't give you much bang for your buck because the game only lasts a couple of hours and can be stormed right through in one afternoon. It's cutesy but fun, however the beginning is a little simple for many players, so that may turn off some. Give it a go and give it some time to pick up in pace and difficulty and I'm sure you'll have a fun experience.