Articles filed in Internet

GlaDOS voice actress Ellen McLain reads letter to Princess Celestia -- (Video)
Alright, in my defense I had to wiki “Princess Celestia” just so I could get the context of this video before posting it. But for all you bronies, well then I guess this one’s for you… and for science.
Microsoft stays mum on continued Xbox Live hack coverage, blames customers
When you’re the victim of fraud most people tend to think that they’re going to get immediate support to help remedy the issue. I mean c’mon, we’re talking money here! Y’know, the stuff that makes the world go round? Unfortunately, a quick resolution to this sorta of theft is as big a dillusion as thinking you’re going to feel right-as-rain upon arriving at the hospital after a horrific car crash. It’s just not going to happen, especially when you’re given the run-around. Specifically, after a stunning number of frauds being reported within the past week from Xbox Live, you’d think Microsoft would be ready with a band-aid at least, no? Sadly, so is not the case. In fact, their public statement reassures customers that there’s nothing going on beyond users being too lax with passwords and letting their guards down against phishing tactics. The facts say otherwise. — More after the break!
HP apparently offering 1.1 Million Dollar PC exclusive to Best Buy
Today while casually browsing my Facebook timeline, I stumbled along a post made by a friend of mine who had found a page on the Best Buy online store for an HP computer (cached). It looked like a run-of-the-mill desktop PC, but after a clear glance of the price tag, I immediately knew this was not like any other computer that I’d ever seen before. This one in particular was a pinnacle of technical innovation, a trophy of humanities achievements, and it was, ever so elegantly, tipping the scales at 1.1 Million dollars.
Okay Geek Presents: CES 2012 Beyond the Show Floor (series)
You’ve all probably wondered why we’ve gone dark over the past week without the smattering of daily posts and videos, and we have tons of excuses, but it’s mostly due to the organization of our new series we’re calling “CES 2012: Beyond the Show Floor”. We’re slipping by the rows of booths, circus performers and hordes of people to go directly to the meat and potatoes of CES — the products being presented and the people who make them.
THIS happens every 60 seconds on the internet -- (Infographic, sorta)
With every minute that passes the internet becomes bigger and more diversified than you could ever imagine. The rate at which people share information, pictures, and videos is nearly immeasurable as more and more people become connected. But have you ever wondered just what happens during each of those 60 seconds? — More after the break!

Cat plays Fruit Ninja on iPad and is pretty good at it -- (Video)
The internet is overflowing with videos of people showing off their pets doing incredible things, but have you ever seen a kitten play and be pretty good at Fruit Ninja on an iPad? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

Skyrim theme performed by Christmas light decoration -- (Video)
Nothing could make you feel like you’re in the northern most region of Skyrim than this stunning Christmas light rendition of the game’s theme. Now all we needed was a life-size Dragon statue breathing fire and the scene would’ve been complete. I guess we’ll just have to stick to our in-game worlds for that, or pretend we have an invisible dragon glitch…
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