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    10 Best Places to Find iPhone and iPad Wallpaper

    So, you have your new iPhone 4, or you’ve picked up a new iPad and you want to trick out your gadget with some sweet wallpaper. We have searched around the net and scouted out some of the coolest places to find the best iPhone 4 wallpaper. If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments!


    iPhone Wallpaper - retina display optimized


    Daily iPhone Blog / iPhone 4 Wallpapers


    Dribbble Search / iPhone Wallpaper



    50 Gorgeous iOS & iPhone 4 Wallpapers



    iPad Wallpaper (use these on the iPhone too)



    Daily iPhone Blog / iPad Wallpapers


    40 Amazing iPad Wallpapers


    50+ Really Beautiful iPad Wallpapers


    Any suggestions? — Leave them in the comments!

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