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Entries by Ricardo Trejo


SGP Linear Mini Series case for iPhone 4S / 4 review

SGP has no shortage of cases for iPhone or iPad, and their Linear Mini series, while being their budget line, is far from being comparable to a generic means of protection for your precious mobile. The accenting colors, glossy finish, and comfortable hold would make just about an iPhone proud to don this, but how would an owner feel about that? — Our full review after the break!


Speck Fabshell case for iPhone 4S / 4 review

Speck cases haven’t always fit the mold of what you expect an iPhone or iPad case to be. Originality in design and presentation has always been the company’s bread and butter and it truly shows with their latest entry, the Fabshell case for iPhone 4 / 4S. — Please read out full review after the break!


RHA CA-200 headphones review

While people are oogling over the latest set of Beats, Reid and Heath Acoustics over in Britain are a looking to make headway in the headphones game. But do they have what it takes to offer cheap alternatives to some of the goods the big boys are selling? Their offerings aren’t huge, a line up of 4 different models are currently on the market, so we’re going to be looking at their first two sets; the CA-200 headphones today, and later next week the MA-350 earbuds. — Our full review is after the break!


Ableplanet Clear Harmony (NC1050) headphones review

Abelplanet is a name that’s slowly become synonymous with headphones in both the noise-canceling and design markets. They haven’t always had the prettiest designs especially when directly compared with other slick headsets like Bose or Sennheiser, but Ableplanet has been inching their way to bigger mainstream success with importance being set on the deliverance of audio quality and growing comfort. The Clear Harmony (model number NC1050) are a new line that compete with said companies above and do quite a great job at putting up a fight. — Our full review after the break!


Thinksound ms01 earphones review

We know two things about Thinksound already; 1.) they make consistently great earphones, and 2.) they know how to package their products just about better than anyone out there. We were first introduced to their unique approach when we reviewed 2010’s offering in the ts02+ earphones. The Thinksound name isn’t as big as a brand like Beats or Bose, but what they lack in exposure they more than make it up in overall audio excellence. And the latest addition to their monitor series, the ms01’s, don’t stray away from the that high standard.  — Our full review after the break!


Powerbag Backpack designed by Ful review

There are backpacks and then there are Powerbags. You better learn the difference right here and right now because it could save the battery life of your various devices. It’s exactly what it sounds like: a bag that powers your stuff up while you’re on the go. It’s a pretty awesome idea when you think of it, and it might make you wonder why something like this hasn’t taken off by now. Well, we’re here to let you know whether this is the future or just a concept better left undiscovered. — Our full review after the break!


Audioengine A5+ Premium bookshelf speakers review

It’s been about a year or so since we last took a look at Audioengine’s A2 desktop speakers, and just by a mere glance at these A5+’s there are a number of definite improvements. But before I go into what makes these speakers great or not you may be asking, “why would anyone shell out nearly $500 for a pair of speakers?” Well, we all love to listen to music, watch movies, or even play games. Sound is a must for just about anyone who owns a computer. Getting the best sounding speakers, undistorted, with enough volume are a pain, if not sheerly impossible to find in department stores. Not to mention some one of you have already paid over a grand buying a nifty looking Mac. So why not go the extra mile and buy a pair of premium speakers that will survive the test of time, and also give you better audio quality than anything a small-time consumer set of speakers would ever offer? And so here I introduce to you, Audioengine’s A5+ premium speakers. — Our full review after the break!

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