It’s been about a year or so since we last took a look at Audioengine’s A2 desktop speakers, and just by a mere glance at these A5+’s there are a number of definite improvements. But before I go into what makes these speakers great or not you may be asking, “why would anyone shell out nearly $500 for a pair of speakers?” Well, we all love to listen to music, watch movies, or even play games. Sound is a must for just about anyone who owns a computer. Getting the best sounding speakers, undistorted, with enough volume are a pain, if not sheerly impossible to find in department stores. Not to mention some one of you have already paid over a grand buying a nifty looking Mac. So why not go the extra mile and buy a pair of premium speakers that will survive the test of time, and also give you better audio quality than anything a small-time consumer set of speakers would ever offer? And so here I introduce to you, Audioengine’s A5+ premium speakers. — Our full review after the break!