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Articles filed in Okay Geek Review


Braun BN0035WHBKG watch review

We’re no strangers to Braun watches here at Okay Geek. We’ve reviewed the BN0032BKBKMHG before and we’re back with a look at the BN0035WHBKG today. As a part of the Tic Watches Braun Watch collection, this model features three hand chronograph movement and a leather strap. Read on for more delicious photos of this Dieter Rams designed timepiece and our full review!


Tissot T41.1.483.53 Silver Gents Automatic Watch review

In a world where everything we own is powered by batteries and connected to the Internet, it’s nice to take a step back and enjoy gadgets that just work, without the need for electricity. Today we’ll be taking a look at Tissot’s T41.1.483.53 Silver Gents Automatic Watch, available from the Tic Watches store. What’s so great about it? Full review after the break!


Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 review

Most laptops these days come with webcams built in. However, integrated webcams typically don’t provide very good image quality, even if they claim to be “HD.” Desktop users, on the other hand, are completely out of luck when it comes to out of the box video chatting. Logitech’s HD Pro Webcam C920 offers a simple and elegant solution for high definition, full 1080p Skyping. But is it worth the $99 price tag? Read on to find out!


OCZ Vertex 4 (FW 1.5) 128GB SSD review


When it comes to SSD’s, OCZ is one of the first companies that comes to mind. With their Agility and Vertex series of SSD’s, the company offers some of the best performing solid state drives combined with relatively affordable prices. Today we take a look at the fourth iteration of the Vertex series; we’ll also be comparing the performance improvements garnered by the version 1.5 firmware update. Read on for all the benchmarking goodness!


Integral UltimaPro SDHC Class 10 32GB memory card review

SD cards are among a phorographer’s most important tools. No matter how many megapixels a camera has or what lens it uses, the speed and capacity of the camera’s memory card are crucial to getting the shots and the amount of shots required. Today we take a look at Integral’s UltimaPro SDHC Class 10 to see if it can perform as the sole memory card in our shooter. Read on for our full review!


Adonit Jot Pro stylus review

Although you might not be able to tell from the image above, Adonit’s Jot Pro isn’t your traditional tablet stylus. It features a plastic disc where a rubber nub would usually be and claims to be the most accurate stylus out there. But is the “Precision Disc” as awesome as they say? Read on to find out!


Brainwavz M4 in-ear headphones review

Brainwavz is a lesser known company that makes a variety of headphones. The M2 headphones we took a look at a while back were not bad but we also didn’t find them to be fantastic either. Will the M4’s change our minds? Read on for our full take on Brainwavz’s new in-ears!

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