Giveaway - $50 worth of Tumblr themes from UpThemes
UpThemes is one of the rare websites that provide themes that actually rock. I follow most of the designers from UpThemes, and I can assure you they are as good as they get. Their Tumblr themes are especially awesome, but with great quality themes comes a quality price. Luckly, we have a giveaway that should tickle your fancy…
$50 of Tumblr themes from UpThemes
What you get - A coupon code for UpThemes that gets you $50 credit towards Tumblr themes.
How you win - Follow @okaygeek on Twitter, and Tweet this message
Be awesome - Like us on Facebook, and grab an Okay Geek shirt
Giveaway ends - Tomorrow morning (3.24.2011)
We have a winner! — @KsaRedFX has wone 50 bucks worth of Tumblr themes! Stay tuned for our next awesome Giveaway… we’re not stoppin’ yet!