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    Nokia Maps with 3D buildings and trees, answer to Google Maps

    Google Maps is incredible with satellite views, streetview and the clarity of the images, not to mention all the awesome tools that have been built using Google Maps. There hasn’t been another map service that offers something unique outside of what Google Maps already offers, until now. Along comes Nokia 3D Maps using WebGL to turn a flat world into one filled with 3D buildings, trees and rocks — all running inside your browser (Google chrome only for now).


    I would have thought there would be a major performance hit when rendering the world in 3D, but the Nokia 3D maps run silky smooth. What impresses me the most is that everything you see is in-browser, and the incredible level of detail on the screen. Even houses, trees, rocks and some shrubs are in full 3D, and the image quality is impeccable. You could almost use this as an aerial shot in a video, and not too many people would know it’s captured from a maps application, in browser.

    Check out - The Nokia 3D maps (using Google Chrome)

    References (2) Nokia 3D maps Reddit
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