Okay Geek Introduces Keyboard Shortcuts
When we introduced the “Continue Reading” section in the sidebar inside articles (to the right), people started to use it regularly. What was interesting was people were starting to use it to view articles in sequence, probably to see the articles we had posted that day. Well, we wanted to give you a much better way to do that.
Keyboard Shortcuts are only active when viewing an article, so there’s very little chance they will interfere with other shortcuts on your computer, unless you have assigned custom shortcuts that interfere with ours. We have a chart below displaying the different shortcuts you can use, and they work just like any other keyboard shortcuts you’ve ever used.
How to use Keyboard Shortcuts
Note: Use the “Option” key on a Mac
As you can see, all of the shortcuts are pretty simple and require only two keys each. Since the Alt key is on both sides of the keyboard, there’s always a comfortable way to navigate Okay Geek, and it doesn’t matter which Alt key you use. We hope to add more shortcuts in the future, but for now we think this is plenty.
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