Portal 2 Steam Giveaway!
Portal 2 has taken the world by storm, and we want to make things a little more crazy — so we’re giving away 2 copies of Portal 2 for Steam! That’s right, we are going to send 2 lucky winners a brand new copy of Portal 2, and all you have to do is send out a Tweet, Like us on Facebook and stay glued to Okay Geek — More info after the break!
Everything you need to know, for science
What you get - A brand new copy of Portal 2 (one of 2 copies)
How you win - Follow @okaygeek on Twitter, Tweet this message and Like us on Facebook.
Be awesome - grab an Okay Geek shirt and leave a comment!
Giveaway ends - Tuesday ( 04.26.2011 )
Please be kind - Tweet only once per day! (or else you’re disqualified)
Rules and guidelines
By entering you confirm that you understand the rules and guidelines - This contest is for PC Steam users only. Okay Geek will pay for all shipping costs, but any charges presented to you when it arrives is your responsibility. The prize cannot be substituted for cash. The winner will be randomly chosen via Tweetaways which is a secure way to draw a contest winner. If you are the winner, and you do not respond to us within 48 hours, we will choose another winner. You will receive your Prize once they are available to be bought (if they’re not sold out). Sorry to be so boring, have fun!