The Apple iPad 2
No one would have guessed the impact Apple’s iPad would have on the tech industry, and where it would lead the company. At that time, the tablet market was sucked dry, and most folks thought Apple was crazy to venture into a device category that had been dead for years — one year later, they’re launching their second device.
Hardware and Specs
- 9.7 inch 1024 x 768 LED-backlit IPS display (same as original)
- 1 GHz dual core A5 chip (2x CPU, 9x graphics)
- 8.8 mm thin (33% thinner than 13.4 mm original)
- Dual FaceTime cameras (720p 30 fps video rear, VGA 30 fps front)
- Same 10 hour battery life (25 Wh capacity)
- gyroscope
- Verizon and AT&T versions
- White and black versions (only front, back is still aluminum)
The iPad is one of the most recognized products in Apple’s history, and as soon as it’s success was established, other companies started to duplicate the functionaliaty Apple had re-thought years ago. The Xoom, PlayBook, and Galaxy Tab we’re some of the first devices to give Apple a true run for it’s money.
Dual core proccessors, tons of RAM and a slew of extra features made the iPad look like a toy — but that all came at a price, which made these tablets cost more than the iPad. It was understandable — a last-generation device (iPad) costing less than the new hotness, but no one would have expected this.
The iPad 2 comes in boasting a 1Ghz Dual Core A5 proccessor, dual cameras (720p 30fps rear, VGA 3fps front), 10 hours of battery, IPS display and a Gyroscope for the same price, $499 — making the competition look really overpriced. They did all this while making the device 33% thinner.
Software and Apps
New Apps
- iOS 4.3 (Personal Hotspot for iPhone 4)
- Improved Safari performance
- FaceTime
- Photo Booth
- AirPlay
- iMovie and GarageBand apps ($4.99 each)
There is a few cool new things coming to iPad 2 — one of which is iMovie. This will allow everyone to edit videos on their iPad with multi-track audio and buttery smoothness. Apple also introduced Photo Booth for the iPad, which is about as usefull as it is on the Mac, but we have to admit — it’s crack for little kids… keeps em’ busy while we get real work done.
Apple also included upgrades to AirPlay and added direct video out, which will allow users to output a video signal from their iPad, no matter which app. That means you’ll be able to show the homescreen, Angry Birds and Safari on your HD TV. We’ve been waiting for this, and it took you a logn time to include it Apple… it’d better be amazing.
Apple has also added GarageBand to the iPad 2 so users can record on the go, or mix their own tracks using built in virtual instuments. We can only imagine the rage certain App developers are experiencing as they watch their virtual instrument app be replaced by Apple’s new hotness. Time to get creative Devs and hope Apple allows you to interact with the GarageBand app in some way. No seriously, hope the hardest you’ve ever hope’d.
Other Software additions are FaceTime, the video messaging app from Apple that allows users to talk with any Mac or iPhone from your iPad using the front facing camera. Apple also improved Safari by utilizing the iPad’s new found Dual Core powers, and the Nitro JavaScript engine.
Pricing and Availability
- $499 for 16 GB WiFi
- $599 for 32 GB WiFi
- $699 for 64 GB WiFi
- $629 for 16 GB WiFi + 3G
- $729 for 32 GB WiFi + 3G
- $829 for 64 GB WiFi + 3G
The iPad 2 is priced the exact same as the origional. The previous model however has been marked down to $399 (pretty sweet deal), but according to a source close to Apple, the previous generation iPad is now 33% less magical than it was before. The iPad 2 ships March 11th for US cunsumers and for the rest of the world on March 25th.
- $39 HDMI output cable
- $39 plastic Smart Cover
- $69 leather Smart Cover
Also, Apple included a spiffy “case” which uses magnets (don’t ask us how they work, we have no clue) to latch onto the body of the iPad 2, and then cover the screen.
Using said magnets, the iPad 2 automatically goes to sleep when you cover it with the screen cover, and wakes up when you lift it off. Thanks for not half-assing the case this time Apple… I used my last one as a cloth to clean my computer monitor.
Okay Geek wants to know
Will you be buying the new iPad 2, or picking up a previous generation iPad to save some cash? Do these upgrades justify the hype, and does this change your outlook on other tablets and their future success, or failure? — Let us know in the comments!
Research by Jason Tsay, Editorial by Brandon Davenport

iPad 2 March 2nd 2011 Keynote
Cnet just uploaded some snippets of the iPad Keynote in a nice 5 minute packedge which cuts out most of the boring stuff. What cought everyone off-guard was that Steve Jobs was at the Keynote, alive and well. He has been on medical leave from Apple for a while now, but didn’t talk about returing to Apple.