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    White iPhone 4 running iOS 5 - Video

    This awesomeness is brought to you by way of Tinhte who brought us the only legit prototype photos of the mid-year Macbook refresh, iPhone 4 and iPod Touch cameras. This is a white iPhone 4 obviously, but it is doing something a little different than we’d expect. It’s running iOS 5 and we’re seeing a lot of cool stuff happening here.


    The video of iOS 5 in action

    So as you can see, there are a lot of things happening in the video, and we’ll break em’ down for you - first off there is a new multitasking structure where it’s much like expose instead of icons lining the bottom of the screen. This will give you a glimpse of the actual app that’s running and not just an icon. The spotlight search screen is also gone, showing that it will be added to the multitasking screen at the top, tying them together as a “hub” of sorts — maybe trying to be like Mission Control for OS X Lion?

    A setting dedicated to Facebook?

    Something interesting is the fact that a “Facebook” setting is seen in the main settings screen, suggesting that native Facebook integration will be coming to iOS 5. This would be a huge step for Apple to add a really deep social layer ontop of iOS 5 to provide stuff like avatars in your contacts, status updates in contact entries and maybe even a Facebook widget of sorts?

    Also there seems to be a new folder structure for the OS where as now, you open a folder and it slides down to reveal the apps within the folder. The new way (seen in the video) shows a modal of sorts popping up and displaying the apps in a new way. We don’t know if this is better, we just know it’s different.


    When will we see all of this?

    Most likely at WWDC 2011 where Apple is planned to announce iOS 5 and other software musings. They will probably have a lot to talk about OS X Lion, Final Cut Pro X and apps in general, but iOS 5 will be the meat of the event. We don’t think there’s any chance of an iPhone 5 launching at WWDC (it would be a horrible decision), but that’s all explained in a nother article — read the WWDC 2011 post here.

    What do you think of iOS 5 — Yay or nay?

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