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    New Xbox Live Features announced - CES 2010 Microsoft Keynote

    Tonight Robbie Bach, president of entertainment and devices at Microsoft, announced some pretty neat stuff available, and to become available on the Xbox 360 and Xbox live, namely Halo Reach. This spring, Microsoft and Bungie are going to release the new multiplayer beta for Halo Reach to the public. Also they are going to add "an ever growing repertuar of non-gaming experiences" which sounds exciting. Also there is now Zune video on Xbox live so you can watch full 1080p, 5.1 Surround sound movies and video on Xbox, "with no more waiting around while the movie buffers" -- also you can watch it on your Windows PC, Zune and Windows mobile device. Also, the now have games designed for social gameplay, namely the classics! This spring, they are bringing back dozens of games from the good ol' days, and integrating it with social features, on your PC and Xbox 360. Apparently you can make your own "custom arcade" and invite your friends. Trailer after the break!

    This is just a couple of the announcements made by Microsoft at their 2010 CES Keynote and there is more to come from T3ch H3lp.


    Trailer | Via Engadget

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