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Articles filed in News


Nintendo launching Wii U in late 2012, might get a name change

Nintendo’s 2011 E3 reveal of the Wii U was anything but impressive. Aside from the “real-time” gameplay of Zelda Wii U (read as: PR talk), there seriously was nothing to get excited about the Big N’s next console. It was definitely a huge contrast to the type of reaction the Wii first originally got, with wait times to try out the thing no where near the 6 hours people sacrificed to first demo the Wii. Well, Nintendo is hoping to shed off some of those bad memories and it’s optimisitic about its future, despite a continuous plunge in overall sales. Satoru Iwata, the company’s CEO and President, announced earlier yesterday that the Wii U is set to hit retailers sometimes in late 2012. Oh, and there’s talk of it getting a new name. — More after the break!


Netflix halts plans and will NOT be going into the game rental market

Oh, Qwikster, how shortlived was your existence? Were you but a mere speck of dust in the stream of this infinite universe’s everflowing hourglass that you were concieved and then forgotten? Life has moved on without you and not a single tear was shed. Not even the wind carries your tattered remains because you were not properly realized, as you were just a silly idea born from the fantasies of a few men’s heads who wish they could bend reality to their will. However, they surely learned from their mistakes, and though you will not be missed Qwikster, your absurd identity will always be remembered. td;lr Netflix will not be renting games. — More after the break!


Blizzcon cancelled for 2012, Blizzard is y'know too busy making games

Year in and year out at the Anaheim Convention Center, just a block away from Disneyland, Blizzard holds their annual convention, Blizzcon. Well, except for this year. Apparently, the developer and multi-million dollar Warcraft provider, have too much on their plate for 2012 that they had to simply cancel the event, citing a “jam-packed schedule” as the reason. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t be doing something else in its place; something like a world tournament for Battle.net. — More after the break!


"Top men" at Capcom are discussing and planning the future of Megaman

When Capcom’s Senior VPChristian Svensson, says that they have “top men” hard at work, discussing the future of the Megaman property it’s hard not to wander back to that famous closing Indiana Jones scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark. And as one commenter (abigsmurf) on Siliconera put it, “*mental image of Megaman being wheeled in to a giant warehouse, never to be seen again*” Yeah, I’m hoping that doesn’t happen, but as he also went on to say, “Knowing capcom, it’ll probably be ‘updated’ so it’s a Gears of War clone”, maybe I do want it to happen so that can never be a reality. — More after the break!


Apple launches iBooks 2 for digital textbooks on iPad

“What’s wrong with education cannot be fixed with technology,” Steve Jobs once said. It’s true that little can be done in tech field to make teachers, their school districts, and parents change the way in which they prepare a proper lesson plan. But they CAN take steps to nudge them in the right direction. Apple has focused on the consumer market for decades now, and with its appropriate household name, it hopes to be one synonymous with education reform and getting kids back on track to want to learn again by giving them, and their teachers, the tools needed to spark their interest. — More after the break!


AT&T introducing new data plan rates, wants to punish your increase in data use

Get your pitchforks ready, ‘cause At&t is raising prices again! But before you get your panties all in a bunch and throw a hissy-fit let’s get something straight. With the rise in data use through mobile apps, made popular due to the iPhone and Android offerings, from a business standpoint it makes sense to make a quick buck off a couple million people by raising rates up a few dollars. Okay, I don’t mean to defend the provider, since I’m with them and I hate them with each day that passes, but you gotta at least see where they’re coming from. And now that I’ve written that I wish they would simply do the same for us and give us what we’ve wanted, and actually had, from the start: an unlimited data plan. — More after the break! 


Penny Arcade to start offering video game coverage

There’s a shift in the tectonics plates in what is now known as “video game journalism”. People are moving, sites are being formed, and new Avenger teams are being assembled. But what does it all mean? Maybe not a lot, but as in the words of Ben Kuchera, Penny Arcade’s new editor in charge of video game coverage (for lack of a more precise title atm), “I don’t think it says much, other than the fact people are starting to really invest in good writing, as egotistical as that sounds.” It makes sense considering that the biggest sites like IGN and Gamespot attract viewers through headlines, whereas the refined gamers who enjoy editorials flock more towards sites with large editoral personalities. So what does this mean for Penny Arcade? — More after the break!

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