Adobe says 'HTML 5 could be hurting Flash' - No, really?
No Wai! Adobe says HTML 5 could be hurting their signature product, Flash - and lately, this has been true. With the crazy wide adoption of the non-Flash supporting iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, Adobe has been experiencing some hurt. Adobe also says that slowing PC sales or a failure to keep up with desktop OS development could harm its business, with the outlying enemy being Apple.
The real blow came just yesterday when Apple changed the iPhone OS 4 SDK agreement to block devs from using the upcoming Flash CS5 iPhone cross-compiler to build iPhone apps, and even further annoucments came that almost completely wiped flash off the iPhone platform.
Apple is also using HTML5 for its new iAd platform, so now Adobe has lost 90+ million potential users, viewing ads using their platform. Also the world wide adoption for HTML5 has sky rocketed since the launch of the iPad, with most major web companies utilizing the new platform and dropping flash.
To everyone it feels like Apple is “Taking something away” or “not being fair” but to me it feels like since the iPhone and iPad have come out, web standards have improved and developers have been exposed to new technologies. I feel that their big plan is to make the mobile web better, and make it possible to make flash-like apps for all mobile devices, without the complexity, sluggishness and size. I feel they are doing a good thing - What do you think?