Apple Store Employees receive the iPad March 10
Just like us, Apple store employees are excited about the iPad and now they get some hands on action March 10th - This will be around the time training begins for the device, and this is no-longer a rumor!
The Examiner not only heard this from inside sources, but confirmed it with an Apple Store manager in Southern California who wishes not to be named, so this is for sure a go.
Some other key points and dates to take note of are that commercials, which will emphasize eBook capabilities, will start airing on March 15.
The actual release date hasn't been set, but March 26 is very likely, but the 3G versions won't be available until April or May so get ready to either jump the gun and be first in line, or wait for the 3G... then be the first in line again.
The reason why you want to be the first in line is because people who camp out for the iPad launch will receive a "special gift."