Okay Geek focuses on original content like product & game reviews, editorials, videos and important technology news, all influenced by geek culture and our interests.

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about 12 years ago
SGP has no shortage of cases for iPhone or iPad, and their Linear Mini series, while being their budget line, is far from being comparable to a generic means of protection ...
about 13 years ago
This week we talk some pretty important stuff like Anime Expo 2011, Captain America (is it good, bad, ugly?), MacBook Battery hacking, 3DS price cuts (now just $169), Battlefield 3 Alpha ...
about 13 years ago
This week, we have a special show because we’re giving away a copy of the new Annihilation DLC for Call of Duty Black Ops (Steam, PC). We’ve done Giveaways before, but ...
about 13 years ago
On this week’s show, Connor and Brandon talk Facebook Video chat, cereal and milk, Bioshock Infinite, Quadrotors, the new Youtube, Spotify coming to the US, Connor gets his iPhone hacked and ...
about 13 years ago
Special thanks — to Connor for filling in this episode!!! On this installment of the Okay Geek Show, Ricardo is away at the 2011 Anime Expo spreading the joy of Okay Geek with ...
about 13 years ago
  We have been underground bashing our keyboards and inhaling coffee for the past two weeks covering E3 2011 which has been a blast, but a lot of hard work. ...
about 13 years ago
  This week on the show, Ricardo and Brandon sit down and talk about the widest veryity of topics ever discussed before… we start with Basketball and end up talking ...
about 13 years ago
  This is our first video podcast, and we’re so proud we managed to do it live on Friday, all in one take. This episode, Ricardo and Brandon start the ...
about 13 years ago
  This week, we are talking about a veryity of topics that are strange, just as they are awesome. We’re talkin’ Bear Grylls, Piss, Thor, vocaloid raves, and a bunch ...
about 13 years ago
  You remember the our old podcast right? Well that was somewhat of a test. A test to see if our readers would enjoy hearing us and listening to what ...
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Articles filed in News


Can SanDisk prompt another digital-music revolution?

The SlotMusic album comes on a 1 gigabyte microSD card and has no digital rights management (DRM) restrictions. So not only can you play the music on your mobile – you can, using the USB adapter that comes with it, load the songs onto your computer.  In March or April of 2009 SanDisk will launch a new music player. It's a tiny device slightly larger than an iPod Nano that will sell for $99 and come with a microSD slot card preloaded with 1,000 songs in seven genres. Consumers will be able to buy additional slot cards for $39.99 with 1,000 songs in a particular genre. These cards will have DRM and will only work in the one ounce slotRadio device. But look at the price point – 1,000 songs for $40 – or 4 cents a song. Compare that to Apple's 99 cents a song, and you realize that this could really shake up the market. [...]



Red Sn0w lite Released!!!


This is to be used only at your own risk.

We do not accept any responsibility for any damage that this tool may help
you cause to any of your equipment.
--> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!! <--
1) Copy the FirmwareBundles and CustomPackages directories into
   your PwnageTool.app/Contents/Resources directory
2) Create a custom 2.2.1 ipsw with PwnageTool in Advanced mode.  Don't
   enable custom boot logos.
3) From your custom 2.2.1 ipsw, extract these (patched) files:
   iBSS.n72ap.RELEASE.dfu    (name it iBSS221pwn.dfu)
   iBoot.n72ap.RELEASE.img3  (name it iBoot221pwn.img3)
4) From the official 2.1.1 ipsw, extract this (unpatched) file:
   iBSS.n72ap.RELEASE.dfu    (name it iBSS211.dfu)
Installing the jailbroken custom ipsw
5) Put your ipt2g into DFU mode using keypresses.  Don't have iTunes running!
6) Start rslite.  Send the official iBSS from 2.1.1:    !iBSS211.dfu
7) Start rslite again.  Send the redsn0w-lite patch:    #pwn211ibss.txt
8) Send the patched iBSS from 2.2.1:                    !iBSS221pwn.dfu
9) Use iTunes to do a full restore using your custom 2.2.1 ipsw

Tethered boot
After the install, your ipt2g will not be bootable without assistance
from a tethered computer.  The method in this README.txt requires you
to go into DFU mode, but you should be able to find (or work out on
your own) other more convenient ways.
10) Repeat steps 5-8
11) Send the patched iBoot from 2.2.1:                  !iBoot221pwn.img3

Your homescreen should soon show up.  You can then start iTunes.
WE WILL BE PROVIDING ABSOLUTELY NO SUPPORT FOR THIS!!!!! If you post comments on our blog looking for support, we reserve the right to ban your user ID from the blog. You really shouldn't be doing this unless you understand it all enough to not need support!


        Download Here


Why Microsoft Should Give Windows 7 Away

Windows 7 is shaping up to be an awesome OS. It's everything people wanted Vista to be and more. Which is exactly why Microsoft should give it away—or offer it dirt cheap—to Vista users. Windows 7 is the solution to Microsoft's Vista problem, which is really a nasty hydra of a problem. Let's not pretend that this isn't the case. There are three major heads to the beast: Consumer perception of Vista as an abysmal failure and a crappy OS (hence, Mojave); the use of XP instead of Vista in increasingly popular netbooks; and the critical lack of Vista interest from the business community [...] Download here

Google Launches ISP Throttling Detector

Never one to sit idly by on the sidelines and let things play out on their own, Google has always tried to play an active role in shaping how Internet technology is used and regulated. Net neutrality is one of the concerns that Google has been very vocal about, and now Google is putting tools into the hands of researchers and everyday users to help us determine if ISPs are "blocking or throttling particular applications," such as using traffic shaping and network prioritization practices--just like the ones Cox Communicationsannounced it will be experimenting with starting next month in Kansas and Arkansas [...]  

M Labs


Windows 7 Tips and How-To's


Customize Windows Media Center


MediaCenterFX Themes and Customizes Vista Media Center

MediaCenterFX is an upcoming product that will allow you to customize and theme Vista Media Center.  I have to say that this looks amazing.  You can change the fonts, colors, sounds, animations, and even things like backgrounds. This looks to be a complete themeing package for Vista Media Center.   Serious testers are needed, and you can register to get access to the currnet alpha version at MediaCenterFX Forums.MCEEditor


Dev-Team getting closer to jailbreaking the iPod touch 2G

This is real. At UNEvolved were looking at a variaty of sources and heres what we got:
The infamous Dev-Team dropped a big hint in the form of an image a few days ago that the hacker group was developing an iPod touch 2G jailbreaking app. Now, not only did the groupconfirm that the iPod touch 2G was the target device for redsn0w, but have gotten a bit closer to the goal. It seems that the process has been done but is still too manual for geeks like us. They plan on packaging and releasing a convenient GUI version shortly; no official ETA has been announced however.




From what we can see, the Dev-Team Has done it again! There is nothing apple can make that they can't crack. The programs used to hack the iPod 1G are either Yellow Sn0w, Quick Pwn, and a few others, but a new hacking tool is being introduced to the family of hacks. Its called Red Sn0w and will be out and ready to hack the pod in a "few days".

As you see in the screenshot to the left (taken by the Dev-Team themselves) is proof that they are almost there.



 Here is the first screenshot of a jailbroken iPod Touch 2G.  Right now the jailbreak process is far too manual to be useful to most people. But this is a first step (well, second step if you include the initial exploit). When we announced yellowsn0w, we made the mistake of giving an ETA for its release…and that really clobbered the last day of 2008 for us.  So we won’t be issuing a formal ETA for the ipt2G jailbreak.  But we are putting a lot of energy into it.


All of your apps and games you have downloaded from the app-store Will still work and you will be able to continue downloading as you please. You can also download 3rd party cracked apps for your enjoyment such as emulators and customization tools.

Videos Here From Dev-Team


Remember to check this blog for updates