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Articles filed in News


Wii 2 HD - the uncovered rumors  

We already know a sequel to the Wii is in the works – Nintendo 'fessed up to that last Summer – but exactly what shape will it take? We're hoping that Nintendo will make some giant leaps with the new console, but enough of our hopes for Wii 2.

Join TechRadar in a grubby wade through the filthiest rumour sewers, as we predict which of the many tall tales about the next Wii are the most feasible. More

Tech Radar.com


iPhone/iTouch Firmware 3.0 Announced

Apple is soon releasing their 3.0 software and I (including everyone) am very exited. I feel that since steve has taken leave from apple, they have done some strange (but good) things, such as the ipod shuffle (which is the worst iPod in the world, BUT the best iPod shuffle ever, (think about it!)) and the iPhone/iTouch 3.0 software. You can tell this was NOT steves idea, or that he has come to a sad realization that he cant make everything closed source forever. Take for example, allowing app creators to use and manipulate ipod accesories attached the the pod with no limitations, or allowing to utilize google maps right inside the app, and even have there own built in purchasing system to buy upgrades and add-ons, right inside the app! This is defiantly not steves idea, and obviusly not the track record apple has had since the beginning of time, but this could change how apple works from now on. Could this be the downward spiral that has happened to apple in the past when steve has left and he came back and brought apple to its feet? How he did that was he made everything closed and safe, and now that they are opening there os to developers, this might be a sign of a huge change in apple! What do you think? leave a comment... and now for a sneak peek at what is coming to iPhone and iPod touch!

Cut/Copy and Paste

This appears to be the big one. Daring Fireball wished for it back before Macworld (and reminded us they did) and MacRumors backing up the notion.Kevin Rose told us that it will work with pinch-able quotation marks, and Daring Fireball just weighed in again with:

I have no idea whether this description of how it’s going to work is accurate, but from what I’m hearing Copy-and-Paste is a big part of tomorrow’s announcement.

Push Notifications/Background Multi-Tasking

Another from Daring Fireball’s wish-list that MacRumors backed up, but Kevin Rose said he hadn’t heard anything about. Apple, of course, promised Push Notification back at WWDC 2008, and targeted it for September, though that deadline came and went. Did they fear a MobileMe-style launch failure? Did they realize true background tasking was necessary? Were they just delayed? Or will this still be missing in action come Tuesday?


No sooner had Apple announced their March 17 event than Boy Genius Reportclaimed they’d heard MMS was coming in the update, but again Kevin Rose said it wasn’t anything on his rumor list.

New App Launcher

Back on Daring Fireball’s site, and yet again given weight by MacRumors, another new addition was wish-listed as an improved, rebuilt SpringBoard, aka the Home Screen that houses all the application icons. Rumors say it could include categories, like the old style PalmOS did.


Apple and AT&T said they were working on Tethering, and Boy Genius Reportclaims we’ll finally see it with iPhone OS 3.0. Will it be free? $20 more a month? Not even show up? Guess we’ll see…


In addition to backing up Daring Fireball’s wish-list, MacRumors added a feature of their own: compass. The Android G1 already has this functionality — when you turns, it knows and can turn the view with you (for example, in incredibly cool looking Google Street View demos). Does the iPhone need this? It would make sense if turn-by-turn GPS apps were about to appear in…

Premium App Store Plus

Rumors of a “premium” App Store Plus have been around for a while, and Wired just brought them back into the spotlight. It would be a place where $20 apps could enjoy attention exclusively away from the free fart apps that glut the regular old App Store. Office suites, high end games, and Turn-by-Turn GPS are all fantasies for this type of deployment. (Though reader antonoj did point out G-Maps has mysteriously disappeared from the App Store, and will “return soon”…) Source :: theiphoneblog.com


Safari 4 Beta Review and Demo

In this video I show you all the new things that make Safari 4 beta such a good browser. In my opinion, its better than Chrome, FireFox, Opera and IE8 for various reasons.

1. Its elegant new interface has the familiarity of chrome and IE8 with the elegance of safari.

2. It has the crazy fast speed of chrome and firefox and loads web pages almost instantly (im using an Ultra Lite ISP and its lightning fast!)

3. It has the stability that we've come to love in all apple products

4. It's interface is tailored to your OS. so if you use windows, it Matches all your programs so it gives it a very consistent feel and makes a great addition to any PC or Mac.

5. The "Top sites" screen is very helpful because its like the one you used in Chrome, but now you can pin your sites on there so they never go away and you can place them anywhere you see fit 6. Coverflow! Now you can browse through your bookmarks and history with full color, interactive thumbnails that use the all-mighty Coverflow!

---------------------------------------- ---------------- Get Safari 4 BETA ---------------------------------------- -----------Download here http://www.apple.com/ca/safari/download/

More info Here http://www.apple.com/ca/safari/what-i...

Full list of features Here http://www.apple.com/ca/safari/featur...


Free wireless broadband service via toilet.

Google has done it again with there new TiSP service which will allow you to have a FREE yes FREE wireless broadband high speed connection through none other than your toilet.  

Check it out here


Facebook "We Can Do Anything We Want With Your Pictures, Information, and Videos. Forever."

Facebook's terms of service (TOS) used to say that when you closed an account on their network, any rights they claimed to the original content you uploaded would expire. Not anymore. Now, anything you upload to Facebook can be used by Facebook in any way they deem fit, forever, no matter what you do later. Want to close your account? Good for you, but Facebook still has the right to do whatever it wants with [...]

Redsnow Semi-Tethered Jailbreak Complete

Stage 2 of the RedSn0w project has got the public exited. Scince the release of the infamus yellowsn0w, iPod touch and iPhone owners have been able to unlock the many hidden pleasures inside there iphone/touch. On the release of the iPod touch 2g, owners were left scratching there heads.

The iPod 2g Could NOT be jailbroken! This meant, while your cool friends had all there themes and cracked apps, you were left with a crummy ol' virgin iPod, untuched by the glorius code of yellowsn0w. Like me, you've sat on the redsn0w site hitting the refresh button a few times, in frustration. 


About a week ago, the dev team released redsn0w lite, basicly a normal jailbreak, but...   when you try to boot the iPod it looks like its bricked, and it is. The thing is the iBoot (whitch is like the bios) does not accept the custom firmware because of the new proccessor (See here) which is faster than the previus models, even the iPhone 3g.

Being o-so-clever, apple decided to hush the joy of apple fans by not allowing the firmware to be loaded by the iBoot. But we all no, in this day in age... if its got a chipset in it and it runs, than by-golly WE MUSS HAX IT!!!! So they did just that... Ladys and gentlemen, I give you

Redsn0w SEMi


New iPhone 4G Concept

Ipone 4g?

This beautiful concept, inspired by the curves and tapering of the Macbook Air coupled with the touch's back, is even better than the cool Macbook-inspired iPhone 4G we featured at the beginning of the month. Read More Here

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