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    Google says Desktops will be Irrelevant in 3 years

    European Director of Google's online sales, John Herlihy, was speaking at the Digital Landscapes conference at UCD.  He made a point that Google is mostly oriented towards mobile devices, claiming they all become more important than desktop PCs.

    He went on to say “In three years time, desktops will be irrelevant. In Japan, most research is done today on smart phones, not PCs,” and that makes sense. 

    Google isn't interested in how we make our videos, they just want to serve them, and add them to their search.

    As we start to see the increase in mobile technology development like the iPad and Nexus One, we will start to see better reception from the public, thus re-enforcing the fact that people will start thinking "why do I need a PC? This thing is the size of a magazine and it can do everything I need..."

    On the other hand, not many people are willing, just yet, to give up their PC. I know I am one of them, but it is really interesting to realize where all this will finally end up. The cloud.

    Read more - Yahoo News

    References (2) Mashable Yahoo News Story
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