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    Maximum PC builds the Dream Machine 2011 - Good lord...

    There are multiple stages when it comes to building a gaming rig — pure bliss hand picking your hardware, drooling over the specs sheet, spitting up coffee looking at the reciept and finally crafting your godly mamoth of raw power. If you’ve never built a PC, we highly reccomend it — if you have, you’re about to enter gaming rig Nirvana.

    The case is especially awesome — it’s a brand new Cooler Master Cosmos II with suicide doors and 20 percent larger than the previous Cosmos. The PSU and six hard drive bays are tucked away in their own compartment at the bottom, while the rest of the case houses all of the other components, and a 360mm radiator up on top. They didn’t stop there though — they took the Cosmos II case and gave it a wicked paint job (lambo yellow).

    This is obviously a really excseeive build, but we thank Maximum PC for building the dream machine and telling the story because nobody I know has $13,000 to throw around. It was an awesome read and we can’t wait to see what Dream Machine 2012 has in store…

    Some quick specs - Here is the Dream Machine 2011

    CoolingCorsair Hydro Series H100

    MotherboardGigabyte GA-Z68X-UD7-B3

    ProccessorIntel Core i7-2600K

    RAMCorsair 16GB Vengeance

    Graphics cards (Tri)EVGA GeForce GTX 580 Superclocked

    HDD/SSD2X OCZ Vertex 3 (240GB) - 3x Seagate Barracuda XT (3TB)

    PSUSilverstone Strider ST1500

    MouseCyborg R.A.T. 9

    KeyboardRazer BlackWidow Ultimate

    Monitors3x NEC PA301W

    SpeakersCorsair SP2500 

    OSMicrosoft Windows 7 Professional

    References (2) Maximum PC Wallpaper Gallery
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