More Portal Updates Bring An Altered Ending
Is Portal 2 happening? It's a question that has all been on every gamer's mind after a myserious update a few days ago changing things in the game to form cryptic messages and pictures but today Valve has updated the game (via Steam) once again with another cryptic message: "Added valuable asset retrieval"
What could this mean? Find out after the break! Be Warned: There are Spoilers to the ending of Portal ahead!
In minutes, Steam users discovered that Valve has replaced the old ending of the game with a slightly altered one. Happening during the very last scene as Chell is lying down after Aperture is destroyed and GLaDOS's robot parts are flying everywhere, you hear footsteps approach and a new robot thanking you for assuming the party escort submission position with the game now ending with it dragging you off into the distance. Quite unsurprisingly, you never actually see the robot but many people are speculating that it's one of the robots depicted in one of the pictures found in the update's files.
I smell a sequel Valve and with GDC right around the corner what would be a better place to announce it!
And no, any of you gamers that own the Orange Box for 360 or PS3 probably won't be seeing this update for a little while, if at all!