Mozilla delays Firefox 4 release - early 2011
Well, this isn’t great news and has really put some serious frowns on Firefox fan’s faces. Mozilla has officially announced that Firefox 4 will be delayed until “early 2011”. The reason is that Mozilla is having a tough time completing the Add-on development software and polishing up Firefox 4 for a fully baked release. Here is a snippet from their group message:
“Development on Firefox 4 has not slowed down and strong progress is being made daily. However, based on the delays in completing the “feature complete” Beta 7 milestone against which our Add-on developers and third-party software developers can develop, as well as considering the amount of work remaining to prepare Firefox 4 for final release, we have revised our beta and release candidate schedule” — Mike Beltzner, director of Firefox
Now, we don’t know how “solid” this date is, and Mozilla could delay it again but Mike says that “[December] is a bad time to release a product,” and that “we plan on continuing to release beta milestones through the end of December”. Lets just hope it holds true, and Firefox 4 is finally released in early (hopefully spring) 2011.