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    Photojojo Easy Macro Cell Lens Band review

    The camera on the new iPhone 4S truly brings cellphone photography to new heights and as a result, many companies are manufacturing camera accessories for it. A while back, we reviewed a couple of adapter lenses from Photojojo and now they’re back with a new macro lens that appears to be compatible with more phones in the form of a rubber band. How well does the concept play out in actual use? 


    Our Impressions

    The Macro Cell Lens Band comes wrapped around a credit card sized piece of plastic with some tips on it - wipe Easy-Macro with a soft cloth before use, center Easy-Macro over your camera lens, make sure you have your camera’s flash turned off, position camera for best natural light, hold Easy-Macro about 1 ¼” away from the item you would like to photograph, hold steady; propping your device against a stable surface may help. 

    Taking these tips into consideration, we pulled the rubbed band around our shiny new iPhone 4S. Note that the band will cover the earpiece, front camera, and rear flash. We wouldn’t say the build quality is too good with the Macro Cell Lens Band as it’s literally just a blue rubber band with a piece of convex plastic attached to it. Thus we’re not too sure how long the product will last. Photo quality was a little disappointing when we viewed them on a computer but they definitely don’t look too shabby when you take the photo - and the macro effect definitely works. 

    Take a look at our sample gallery





    The Macro Cell Lens Band is a fun little toy for posting smaller sized images (on Instagram for example) but is definitely not something you should use for more “serious” macro shots that will be blown up on a large screen. The photo quality is disappointing for such purposes and the price is really unreasonable for what you’re getting. At $15, it’s a pretty big ripoff. Especially considering that within Photojojo’s own store, the “Wide Angle/Macro Lens” sells for a mere $5 more. 


    • Macro effect works great for low resolution uploading
    • Compatible with just about any device with a similarly sized camera


    • Poor build quality
    • Disappointing image quality when imported to large screen
    • Unreasonable pricing
    Where to buy

    Photojojo — MSRP: $15.00


    This review was done by Jason Tsay, who was provided the Easy Macro Cell Lens Band by Photojojo.

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