Poolga.com - The place for Artsy iPhone and iPad wallpapers
One thing I always have trouble with personally is finding the perfect wallpaper for my iPhone and iPad. I mean, is it too much to ask for something besides the cliche landscape wally or a half naked model? Well, luckily for me, and for you in effect, I discovered a pretty awesome site by the name of Poolga.com that takes care of this problem once and for all. With hundreds of beautiful and creative works done by countless artists from around the globe, it’s the one stop shop for a wallpaper guaranteed to not be shared by millions.
Sure, you may come off completely pretentious to some of your buds but it’s ultimately worth it when you have your iPad in picture frame mode. Heck, you might as well just keep that sucker on its dock, slideshowing your art collection on your night stand or desk.