PS3 Y2K is Over... for now
Good news everyone: the PS3 Y2k scare is now over - Sony confirms it on their blog:
We are aware that the internal clock functionality in the PS3 units other than the slim model, recognized the year 2010 as a leap year. Having the internal clock date change from February 29 to March 1 (both GMT), we have verified that the symptoms are now resolved and that users are able to use their PS3 normally.
If the time displayed on the XMB is still incorrect, users are able to adjust time settings manually or via the internet. If we have new information, we will update you through the PlayStation.Blog
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
It's a good thing that Mega Man 10 came out on the Wii today or otherwise I may have been ticked that I was missing out on a day of Heavy Rain playtime. But alas all is well in the land of Sony again, so you can all breathe a sigh of relief as the PS3 has seen the worst of its days... for now. It did come as a surprise to many though, as gamers everywhere wondered why their beloved paper weight... err, I mean, console bread winner succumbed to a vegetative state - much like its rival's RROD condition.