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    HTC's HD2 can't handle Windows Phone 7 Series

    The fate of the most powerful Windows Mobile 6.5 device is still floating around in the clouds. With Microsoft making a clean break from its Windows Mobile roots, many have wondered whether the HTC HD2 will be upgradable to Windows Phone 7 Series.  Speculative rumours aside, it was once believed that the mighty HD2 would be upgradeable, however, a recent statement from Natasha Kwan General Manager for Microsoft’s Asia Pacific Mobile Communications Business said that it “doesn’t qualify because it doesn’t have the three buttons” solely dictated by Microsoft. Continuing to leave the mobile industry in the dark, Microsoft’s Director of Consumer Experiences Aaron Woodman graciously declined to the handset’s upgradability when grilled on The Engadget Show. He later went on to say that the handset would be subsequently reviewed with a somewhat quasi verdict to be announced at MIX’10.

    References (2) Engadget jkOnTheRun
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