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    Rumor - Nintendo eyeing app store for Wii U, their OWN app store 

    Right when we thought we had Nintendo figured out something like this comes along and throws a wrench into the gears of the machine. Apparently, the big N isn’t just thinking about it, but they’re steathly creating a repository of apps for an upcoming app store to go along with the Wii U’s tablet like design. Well, this changes things up a bit. 

    According to The Daily, Nintendo is hard at work creating their very own app store for their next-gen system, the Wii U:

    Wii U owners will be able to use apps that operate on the Wii U itself, such as MLB.TV, and others that run independently on the Wii U’s controller. Given its tablet-like design and 6.2-inch screen, it’s not hard to imagine being able to check email, browse the Web, post to social networks and even get some gaming in.

    It all makes sense, I guess, well at least to Nintendo. And it’s becoming clear that they had this planned from the get go; to design a piece of hardware that could also mimic aspects of other tablets, hence it’s screen size and weight. 

    And if you think about, the 3DS has been exploring the “channel” idea more and more, sustaining what on our platforms would be knwown as applications. Nintendo will no doubt develop their own 1st-party apps, but to branch off and make even more money they could allow others to develop games and such to run on the Wii U using this app store. 

    But the rumor is interesting in that it specifically mentions MLB.TV, which would mean that Nintendo is again, not just after the gaming market, but also those who maybe want to watch a baseball game while someone else is using the TV. So this new Wii U could potentially become a portable TV and game player for the living room. 

    We’ve heard talk of Apple becoming Nintendo’s number one enemy rather than the usual suspects in Xbox and Playstation. Well, I think this app store rumor gives credence to that fact. Nintendo isn’t conceding victory to Steve Jobs, but is instead going to go toe to toe with the former CEO’s company and his gaming capable iOS devices.

    References (2) The Daily Joystiq
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