Sony PIIQ Qlasp Headphones Review
“Whoa what the hell are those things on your ears?” Expect this to be the type of reaction you get when you wear these earbuds out on the street. With the PIIQ line of hipster headphones, Sony decided to try their luck in the market Skullcandy has dominated for so long. Aimed at those teens who just refuse to use Apple’s stock white plastic earbuds, they allow you to represent your inner craziness and turn heads in doing so.
Sony PIIQ Qlasp Headphones
- clip-on earbuds
- 9 mm drivers
- 16 ohm impedance (at 1 kHz)
- 6 – 23,000 Hz frequency response
- 3.9 ft cord
- Gold-plated L-shaped audio plug
For a little background on the line of headphones, they come in five varieties - Exhale, Qlasp, Triqii, Giiq, and Marqii. These range from small $15 earbuds all the way up to $99 “premium” over-the-ear headphones.
The packaging is consistent with the design of the headphones - a plastic bubble on top of a colorful (blue) cardboard backing. After ripping the backing off, a small square of manuals fell out instructing you on how to use headphones, accompanied by 2 extra sizes of replacement earbud sleeves. No special accessories are included but we weren’t expecting any to begin with.
So I shoved the earbuds into the sides of my heads and cranked up the tunes. After trying out a wide variety of music, I made up my mind - the headphones suck. The 9mm drivers definitely don’t provide all the bass we would like. The 3.9 ft pink cable extends to an L shaped, gold plated plug to stick in your MP3 player. Quite literally, we’re at a lack of words to describe the Sony PIIQ Qlasp headphones. Seemingly, the company spent too much time trying to make the exterior as wacky as possible and hardly cared about them being comfortable or sounding good. They claim that the earbuds will stay in your ears no matter what but they don’t do so in a very ergonomic way nor does it work as well as we would like.
Sure, you will turn some heads when you wear there outside onto the streets but seriously, we’d have a hard time recommending them to anyone, even our friends who don’t wear lenses in their glasses.
- unique design
- medicore audio quality
- not all that comfortable
Price: $24.99
Where to buy it: Sony Amazon