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    Super Crate Box (PC) -- Weapons are plentiful and so is death

    Super Crate Box

    Platform: PC
    Price: Free
    Developer: Vlambeer

    Our Impressions

    Weapons are a plenty in this simple yet challenging game, where acquiring your next big gun is more important than destroying the vermin scurrying around you. If Super Crate Box reminds you a little bit of the old classic Mario Bros. seen in arcades all too often in the 80’s then you suspect correctly. However, whereas the premise in the original Mario Bros. was to give the hurtin’ to all the Koopas seen on the stage, in SCB your task is to get from crate to crate, not to eliminate the enemies. The more crates you collect the more your score will tally up. What’s the deal with the crates? Well, each crate holds a weapon for you to weild, aiding you in your quest to dodge and attack the stage’s enemies for the sole purpose of getting to the next crate. The weapons vary from anything from a single revolver to a stage shuttering bazooka, and as you go further into the game, the more crates you collect will eventually unlock new toys for you to play with. 

    Controlling your player can be a bit difficult if you’re not used to playing on a keyboard. The default controls are set to the Arrow Keys moving your dude left, right, or up for jumping, while the Z and X keys are meant for jumping and shooting respectively. I’ve been a console gamer my whole life, and so just trying to stay alive long enough to get 5 or 6 crates using the keyboard is like putting this game in Legendary Mode right off the bat! 

    But what about your character’s looks? Well, customizing your character is all the rage in mainstream games nowadays, however unlocking new outfits and colors is always a task better suited for people with a lot of free time on their hands. Thankfully, SCB does all the customization for you, giving you a random new look every time you start a new game. Die in a blaze of glory on your last game? Well, the next time you spawn up you might be hosting a snazzy afro on your head, and maybe even a whole ‘nother skin tone! 


    Super Crate Box 
    Download it now for PC (free)

    Super Crate Box isn’t the most sophisticated game out there, but what it lacks in complicated controls or features it makes up in sheer fun and challenge. The old-school arcade feel is brought to your desktop with SCP, with the exception of having to sacrifice any of your parent’s hard earned quarters into the countless hours you’ll undoubtedly spend playing this game. 

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