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    Watch the entire 60 Minutes segment on Steve Jobs' life and biography here

    Okay, so you thought all the posts on Steve Jobs were over with, right? Well, not exactly. While his officially sanctioned biography doesn’t technically go on sale tomorrow, it’s being offered a day early on Apple’s bookstore. But before we get into reviewing that puppy, did you happen to catch last night’s 60 Minutes all on the topic of Steve Jobs and his biography? If not then no worries, we got the entire hour of it right here for you to watch. 

    If you’re anything at all interested in Apple or its late-CEO, Steve Jobs, then this 60 Minutes segment will be more than enough to wet your whistle until you decide to go ahead and buy the near 700-page biography. Not only does this feature a look into the life and past of Jobs, but also includes audio between the book’s author Walter Issacson and Steve Jobs himself:

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson is available now for purchase and download.

    Buy (audio, hardcover, ePub)Amazon,  Apple

    References (1) MacRumors forums
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