We're changing our name to "Okay Geek"!
T3ch H3lp is changing it’s name to “Okay Geek” — In 2 years, we have generated 10 million views, partnered with 10 amazing editors (along with dozens of contributers) and we’ve decided to take the next step. 2 years with the damn 3’s in our name is enough! We’re sorry for the hours you’ve spent searching your iPhone keyboard, looking for that damn “3” — Here’s what you need to know about our new changes…
Q&A about the new Okay Geek
Q: Why are we changing our name?
A: T3ch H3lp wasn’t a good name, for many reasons and we haven’t found a good oppertunity to change it up until now. We wanted to have a better name to help people understand what we’re about, and appeal to a wider audience. Say hello to Okay Geek!
Q: Why did you even choose “T3ch H3lp”?
A: It was Brandon’s fault. When he was trying to come up with a name for his Youtube videos, he decided on “T3ch H3lp” and it just carried on from there. It was a fitting name at first, but after we started to change as a team, the name no longer fit.
Q: Why did you wait 2 years?
A: The first year was spent trying to make a website and become a trustworthy blog. The next year was spent going to events, making contacts with other companies and branding ourselves. This wasn’t a good time to re-brand — and now that things are slow, we can make the transition smoothly.
Q: Why the name “Okay Geek”?
A: First off, “Ok Geek” was taken, so that was out of the question. We like how it rolls off the toung nicely and secondly it describes us. We are a group of geeks who are okay with writing cool articles online and creating origional content out of the goodness in our hearts.
Q: This means everything is changing right?
A: No. Nothing is changing exept the name. The origional content you know and love on T3ch H3lp is here to stay, and later down the road we plan to get even more awesome. Besides a few cool design tweaks and features, Okay Geek will be the exact same and there’s nothing to worry about.
Things will be bumpy for a short while
When we transition, that means we need to change all of our usernames for Twitter, Facebook, Digg etc, our bio’s on different web services, RSS feeds, email accounts and the almighty transition of domains on Google. Google search is going to have a hard time wondering what happened to T3ch H3lp, so we need to work hard to get our search results back in action. There is a lot of work to do, and we need to get started right away.
What we need you to do — is update your bookmarks, follow us, like us and subscribe to the new RSS feed. We are going to make the proccess smooth and as easy as possible, so remember “okaygeek” is our username for everything — Learn more now
Thank you for 2 years of #win
We can’t thank you enough for being a part of T3ch H3lp, and a future part of Okay Geek. We can’t wait to see what happens next, and grow even faster than before. There’s one thing we need to keep in mind though — Names don’t make websites who they are, if the name doesn’t fit… change it.
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