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    3DS gets Netflix update on eShop today -- Download it now

    Fresh off the heels of Netflix’s recent price change, support for the now infamous streaming service has made its way onto Nintendo’s 3DS handheld. Now watching episodes of LOST, or The Office can go hand in hand whenever you’re too frustrated or tired of tackling the Water Temple in OoT. Unfortunately, none of the programming is presented in 3D but hey, it’s another device to replace the redundancy of cable tv nowadays. 

    If you’re a 3DS owner simply navigate to the eShop and you’ll find the Netflix app waiting to be downloaded for free. To use the service you’ll have to be a member of course, but if not you can sign up. Once you’re in you’ll asked to activate the 3DS as a new device, just as you would any other; such as the 360, PS3, or iPhone. 

    The selection menu looks a lot like the grid seen on the PS3 and on the Netflix site itself, however selections are shown on the top screen in 3D with some basic information. When a title is ready to play the video is presented on the top screen only, with the bottom screen blacked out. Some videos are given the option for subtitles, which is a plus due to the 3DS’ speakers not being volume in loud surroundings. 

    During our experience the app froze the entire system numerous times when enabled subtitles or just scrubbing through the video. There are obviously still some bugs to knock out, but having another device as an option to get on Netflix is never a bad thing. 

    Note: The update is only for North American Netflix subscribers only.

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