Articles filed in Facebook

Seinfeld describes Facebook back in the 90's, gets it dead on -- (Video)
Thanks to the findings of one Reddit user, a nearly 20 year old gem of 90’s television has been uncovered — one that defines this generation’s greatest time-waster, Facebook. Watch as Jerry Seinfeld, in his usual cold opening monologue, goes on about the importance of an answering machine and its messages, and how it’s single function is to hold the bonds of imaginary friendships together. But wait a minute… doesn’t that sound familiar?

Official iPad Facebook app finally gets released and reviewed -- (Video)
The iPad has been out for a year and a half and we still have yet to see an official Facebook app for it. Well, that is… until now. Feast your eyes on this snappy, fluid application that will have the social butterflies in your life wasting chunks of their time on. — Download it now if you haven’t yet.
Google + membership rises 30% in two days after Facebook changes
In what undoubtedly is a response to the changes being currently implemented to Facebook, users have begun flocking away from the social media giant and heading for calmer waters. And y’know what? It would seem that Google + is the place where a lot of these people have landed, increasing the service’s now public membership about 30%. — More after the break!
What do Facebook users think about ongoing changes? - Infographic
Like any company or service, Facebook needs to evolve all the time to combat external issues (security, scaleability and stability) as well as make sure internal issues are dealt with. It’s the staple of internet folk like you and I, is to complain about something we get for free. I mean, we always complain about conveniences we pay nothing for online, but recently we’ve discovered that behind all the “free”, there is in-fact some cost. Maybe more frightning is back when we found out it was our personal information.

Facebook News Feed changes are neat, but are they necessarily? - Video
Leave your thoughts in the comments — Facebook (along with every other company) is known for changing stuff all the time, and making improvements. This pisses a lot of users off understandably, but in reality, Facebook has to change things to stay reinvent in the ever competitive social market. Personally, I’m cool with these changes, but I just have to know whether you are alright with these changes or not.
Domino's Pizza is reviving 'the Noid' after 20 years
If you grew up in the 90’s then you may not remember this little dude — Domino’s unofficial mascot, known simply as ‘the Noid’. What’s he got to do with Pizza, you ask? Well, not a lot except that he embodied the hatred and annoyance that other pizza joints felt at the quality service customers would receive from Dominos. Yeah, like that still rings true! But anyway, Domino’s is getting ready to unleash the Noid once again. — More after the break!
Capcom: MegaMan Legends 3 NOT making a comeback, project completely scrapped
As if you weren’t chocked up enough about MegaMan Legends 3 being cancelled, Capcom has come out officially to say there’s absoutely zero chance that it will be picked up again in light of the fan’s efforts to keep the project alive. — More after the break!
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