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    Comparison: Nexus One vs iPhone 3GS vs Droid vs Pre

    If you ever wondered “what the hell are all these smartphones about and which one should I get”? Your default choice would probably be the iPhone, because everyone under 27 has bugged you about it till you want to stab your ears off. Other then that, if your not a geek, you don’t really know what all these smartphones have to offer, even though they may offer even more.

    The Nexus One namely has been all the buzz around the tech industry and for a good reason, it could be best deal, and the best smartphone out of all of them, or it could fail miserably. In this very snazzy chart, you get an insiders look on this specs chart that is made out for humans to read and details the 4 big smartphones that you must know about.

    Full chart after the break!

    [Chart via Billshrink]

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