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    Microsoft Pink Smartphone spotted - Video

    “I was able to see the phone in action with a version of windows 7 mobile running on it. It was smooth and responsive. I was not allowed to take any more pictures of it…” - Thats what the maker of this video said. He apparently got some hands-on time with the turtle phone, but he was told not to take any pictures or videos. Luckily, this was leaked out and we give a tip of the hat to greenrolaids on Youtube - Video and quote after the break!

    I was able to see the phone in action with a version of windows 7 mobile running on it. It was smooth and responsive. I was not allowed to take any more pictures of it. He also had the larger slider phone that is geared more for men with windows 7 mobile on it as well. This is kind of a boring video, but its the first sighting of this phone in the wild.

    greenrolaids - Youtube

    References (2) Youtube Slashgear
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