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Articles filed in Smartphones


SGP GLAS.t glass screen protector for iPhone 4 / 4S in-depth review

The concept of a screen protector made of glass is an interesting one. The proposition is that the glass screen protector is much more durable than a plastic one, has better optical clarity, and offers the same smooth feel of the iPhone’s glass screen. SGP is the first company to implement this idea and after a month of extensive testing, we’re convinced this is the best screen protector we’ve ever used. Period. What makes the GLAS.t so incredible? Full review after the break!


AT&T introducing new data plan rates, wants to punish your increase in data use

Get your pitchforks ready, ‘cause At&t is raising prices again! But before you get your panties all in a bunch and throw a hissy-fit let’s get something straight. With the rise in data use through mobile apps, made popular due to the iPhone and Android offerings, from a business standpoint it makes sense to make a quick buck off a couple million people by raising rates up a few dollars. Okay, I don’t mean to defend the provider, since I’m with them and I hate them with each day that passes, but you gotta at least see where they’re coming from. And now that I’ve written that I wish they would simply do the same for us and give us what we’ve wanted, and actually had, from the start: an unlimited data plan. — More after the break! 


Windows Phone 7 handsets can be disabled with a single specific SMS text

If I didn’t already own an iPhone then I’d definitely be the proud owner of one of those snazzy Windows Phone 7 handsets. I mean, the only reason why I don’t have one right now is the lack of support it gets as a platform. Though with reports about a single line of text disabling phones from a distance I don’t envy those who do have one. — More after the break!


Smarphone Etiquette for a Classy Dinner Date - Infographic

You are the young, geeky (and handsome) connoisseur of a lady whom is sitting currently slouched opposite to you with a disapproving look on her face, glazed over from the fact that you’ve been dicking around with your smartphone the entire date. If only you had known about these guidelines for Smartphone Etiquette you wouldn’t be unfollowing her on Twitter and disliking the awkwardly posed photo you took together on Facebook.


Android Malware has risen 472% since July

A recent study issued by Juniper Global Threat Center has noted that Android malware has slowly become an issue over the last four months. According to the study, Juniper found that since July, the growth of viruses, trojans, and other Android related malware has risen by 472 percent - according to information gleaned, 55 percent were spyware applications operating in the background, whilst another 44 percent were SMS related trojans. — More after the break!


Apple admits that 5.0.1 update hasn't fixed the battery problem for 4S owners

Since the release of the iPhone 4S, users of the latest Apple handset have been plagued by less-than-stellar battery life. Apple promptly addressed the issue and planned to rectify it with a software update that would patch whatever bugs were causing the battery’s juices to leak all over the digital floor, so to speak. Well, it just so happens that the recent 5.0.1 update — that went live a few days ago — not only did nothing to fix the battery problem, but it also made the issue more widespread to 4S owners who never even had battery difficulties to begin with. in the wake of this PR disaster, Apple wants to let you know they’re aware of it.— More after the break!


iPhone vs. Android on the usage of social apps -- (Infographic)

Just how many iPhone and Android users use their device to get onto Facebook and other social media apps? Well, according to an infographic done by Onavo, a company who helps manage and compress your data usage through a self-titled app, you’d be surprised just how little any service outisde of Twitter and Facebook get any attention, if at all, on either mobile device. — More after the break!

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