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    Official Playstation App "Coming Soon" to iPhone and Android - EU Only for now, Suck it USA

    Without doubt this is Sony’s reply to the Xbox Live intergration seen in the recent release of Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 platform. Now we’re not sure exactly when this app is going to launch, but Sony’s been kind enough to explain some of the features we’ll see when it launches “soon” in Europe. Sorry, USA, but there’s no mention of when you’ll be getting it yet.

    The 1.0 version release of the app will be free and will offer the following features:

    • Check out your PlayStation Network trophies and keep up to date with your friends’ games and online status.
    • Discover all the latest games, news and hardware for your PlayStation 3, PSP and PlayStation 2.
    • Read all the announcements on the European PlayStation.Blog.
    • Share your favourite products or news with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or via e-mail.

    It will be available on both iOS and Android devices “soon” in the UK, France, Germany, Span, Italy, and the Netherlands. Word on the release of the app in other countries will be reported on when it’s revealed.

    Does this mean we’ll see an official Xbox Live app come to the app store soon? I doubt it. Better save up for a WP7 device!

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