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    Reuters: iPhone 5 set to release in September

    It’s strange to think that it’s almost May and we still haven’t heard anything about Apple’s upcoming iPhone 5 handset. Heck, last year we were already knee deep in a Gizmodo / iPhone 4 scandal that involved thousands of dollars, police with search warrants, and an ungodly amount of articles by Gizmodo milking the whole situation to Gawker’s delight. Well, this year is a whole lot different, and we’ve barely scratched the surface as to when we might even see the iPhone 5 hit the light of day.

    Reuters is reporting that those within the production line of the iPhone 5 have confirmed that the device will go into production this summer and will end up shipping sometime in September. At the moment details are still scarce as to what we can expect from the new Jesus phone, except that there’s supposed to be a wider screen with a “hardly-there” bezel, as well as functionality for NFC scan payments. However, we seriously doubt that those are only things Apple has up their sleeve. With every iteration of the phone so far there has been some sort of “must have” feature or redesign that has made it be the top seller year in and year out — 2011 will no doubt be no different.

    In terms of speculation, we’re thinking late June there’ll be an Apple press conference that will detail the phone’s upcoming features and will announce reduced prices for previously released iPhones, as well as pricing for the new miracle maker. — This last paragraph was Captain Obvious approved.

    References (2) BGR Reuters
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